How to make cream for decoration cake

How to make cream for decoration cake

Good hostesses always want a festive cake not only tasty, but also beautiful. To date, there are many ways to beautifully sue dessert: sprinkle it with finished ornaments, pull the mastic, make yourself edible flowers or pour icing. In this article, you will learn the recipes of special creams that are suitable for decorating the cake or cakes and, while only add the raisins to the dessert taste.

Classic cake cream recipe for decoration

This is the main way of making cream, you can add your favorite ingredients yourself to it: vanilla extract, cinnamon, even ground carnation or cardamom, zest. To give the color of the cream, you need to buy dyes, the best option will be helium dyes that can be found in confectionery departments. If you could not find them, then give preference to bulk food dyes, previously digging them thick water. Some hostesses use natural pigments, like swarms.

Take such ingredients:

  • 220 - 230 grams of butter, not salty.
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla sugar.
  • 600 grams of sugar powder very small good grinding.
  • Two tablespoons of warm milk.


  • The oil must be put on the battery in the metal dishes, or put on a water bath. When it melts to a soft state, which you can easily beat for a fork - remove.
  • Watch the oil and vanilla sugar to a homogeneous mass that resembles a lush foam. Start gradually add powder, but do not rapt all right away. Speak with a thin ridge approximately a glass of powder, then beat the ground again and so until the end.
  • Milk add to the last turn and again whipped cream.
    If you have special spices or dyes, then add them at this stage.
  • After that, the cream is recommended to refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes and give cool. The finished oily cream spoon is lay out in the confectionery package and draw the desired patterns and drawings on the surface of the cake. Do not forget that it is impossible to put such a cake in a warm place.

Recipe for cake cream for decoration with rum

A somewhat original recipe, the proportions of the ingredients here differ from classic recipes, and alcohol gives the highlight of the taste. Instead of Roma, you can use a liqueur, brandy and even Amaretto.


  • 200 grams of sugar, can be cane, but it will affect the color.
  • One egg.
  • Half of a glass of milk.
  • 300 grams of butter cream.
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract can be replaced with vanilla.
  • One tablespoon of rum.

The cooking technology is different from all others:

  • You need to put the milk in a cauldron or a saucepan, immediately add an egg and beat this mixture well.
  • Gently add sugar, stir up to full homogeneity. Do not cease to interfere with the cream until it thickens to the state of the jille, but liquid. Only then stop interfered and remove the saucepan into a cool place.
  • While cool the mixture, soften all the oil and take it until it becomes like a thick sour cream. Add it to the egg mixture, without stopping everything. Add rum, vanilla and all the desired ingredients.

Such a cream is immediately ready for use, you will not wait until it cools, but immediately begin to decorate.

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