What makes halva

What makes halva

Halva is a sweet dessert of the roast southeastern countries. In our shops, the Halva is mainly sold sunflower, i.e. Made from sunflower seeds. But in the east, this dessert is made of nuts and various spicy seeds, which, with grinding, allocate a lot of oil. In addition, Halva is made from different types of flour with the addition of butter for its plasticity.

Halva from flour is more common in hot southern countries. This dessert is considered Eastern, because it was in this side of the world originally and invented. Now we will tell you what halvae is being prepared in different countries and give a rather simple recipe for the manufacture of eastern sweets at home.

What do halva make in Eastern Europe

Halva, which is done in Russia, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine, contains:

  • Purified and finely grilled sunflower seeds. They are the basis of the dessert. They contain a huge amount of proteins and fats. Halva Sunflower is considered to be very calorie and get involved in it too much.
  • Sugar or Patok. They are needed to give Halve sweets and plasticity. From sugar, before interfering with Halvi, they first prepare syrup. In the home recipes, instead of these ingredients, honey is often used.
  • The so-called foaming agent. He serves in Hulwe so that the dessert turns out a little laminate and drum. As a foaming agent, licorice roots or altea or whipped egg protein are used.
  • All sorts of fragrant and delicious additives: pieces of roasted peanuts, raisins, cocoa powder, vanillin. These additives are called the general word "filler".
  • In Halve, which is exported, a small amount of ascorbic acid is necessarily present. It is used as an antioxidant, i.e. of the ingredient, which is responsible for a longer shelf life.

What makes halva in Turkey and other Eastern countries

Almost all the sweet tooths of the world consider the most delicious halvah Turkish. It is made there several varieties there, but the most popular is Tahinnaya. The second name is sesame, because it is from sesame seeds and make the basis for Halva. In Turkey, you can also find a clean sesame mass (called "Tachina"), which seed seeds are made.

  • This thick mass with all sorts of additives in the form of sweets, foaming and fillers as a result of their mixing turns into halv.
  • The most popular fillers in the East are whole pistachios and then the dessert is called "Halva Takhinno-Pistachkaya".
  • When adding cocoa powder, the Kakao dessert is called "Halva Takhino Chocolate".
  • By the way, having bought a thick mass of Takhin in a Turkish store or on the market, at home then you can cook Halva with a sesame taste.

The second, quite popular in the east Halva, is Halva peanuts. Ground peanut replaces sunflower seeds or seeds seeds in this dessert. Syrup or molasses and any of the fillers are also added to the peanut powder. Halva Tahinny and peanuts are most common in the Balkans and the Middle East. Also in eastern countries make Halvo based on bitter pistachios, walnuts and almonds. These types of dessert are quite expensive, because they are the basis of their elite types of nuts.

What makes halva in Georgia and some other southern countries

Georgian halvah differs from the above species that in it instead of nuts and seeds, the flour of rather coarse grinding is used. At the same time, the flour is used different: wheat, rice, corn. Some confectioners instead of flour put the usual semolina camp. For the viscosity of the halva, the flour is mixed with butter, and together boil together on a very slow heat, adding sugar syrup to the mixture. Halvo on the basis of flour can often be found in Pakistan stores, Iran, Afghanistan.

What other halva do in different countries?

Each country has its favorite Halva Recipe:

  • Based on rice flour and coconut milk halva, they do in Tanzania and nearby countries. Products are mixed with sweet syrup and boil to a thick state. Then some foaming agent and fillers add to Halva.
  • Add sweet carrots in India to Halva. Also different vegetables like putting Pakistan confectioners in the dessert. They use beets, potatoes and beans. Halva with vegetables and bean resembles pudding, but it is very tasty and more useful than traditional on-based seeds or nuts. For such a halva, vegetables are first crushed, then it is boosted in honey or molasses and thickeners and nuts are added.
  • Using rice flour, a completely unique halva is prepared in Azerbaijan under the name "Shekinsky". If traditional halvah is boiled in a large capacity, mixing all the ingredients, then the Sheki Halva is made completely different. Their flour makes a liquid dough, which is fried in oil, pouring the dough into cauldron with thin jets. Roasted dough, and then it looks like lace, lay on huge flat forms and poured with syrup or honey. Several layers of the dough are mixed with several layers of honey and squeeze nuts.

How to make home halv

Taking the basis of a simple recipe based on wheat flour, halva at home can be done with different flavors and flavors.

  1. 5 glasses of sunflower seeds peeled fry on a dry frying pan.
  2. Seeds grind on the meat grinder twice.
  3. 3 cups of roasting roasting roasting roasting on a dry frying pan to ruddy color. Flour cool.
  4. Mix flour and ribbed seeds and once again skip through a meat grinder.
  5. Wear a thick syrup of 3 glasses of sugar and 1st glacking water. Syrup cool a little.
  6. Melt the butter and take it exactly 1 cup.
  7. Mix syrup, oil and mass from seeds and flour.
  8. Future halva twisted a chicken nut, raisins, sesame seeds, cocoa powder.
  9. Warm halva put in a plastic container with a lid and put it for hardening on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Another recipe for home halva, but without flour, you can see in this video.

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