Weaving milk in breast nursing delivers a lot of unpleasant to the child, and for the mother turns into torment. Lactostasis, which is so called stagnation in lactic glands, can be stopped at the initial stages quickly and easily. But, if you start the state, complications will come, and the treatment will delay for a long time. In order to avoid this condition, or minimize the time of the disease, let's figure out for the causes of lactostasis, methods of prevention and treatment.
What is lactostasis and what causes of its occurrence
Stagnation of milk, lactostasis, occurs in the part of the chest, in which the movement of milk in glands is difficult. Corks occur, which stop the milk yield, edema appears and sealing the breast. In place of the edema, painful redness appears. If it does not take action in time, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a high temperature.
The reasons for the appearance of stagnation are several:
- Rare feedings. If a nursing mother is withstanding long pauses between feeding, milk movement is limited, which contributes to the blockage of the glands.
- Feeding a child in one pose and sleep on one side. In such cases, problems also arise with the movement of milk by drives.
- Uncomfortable underwear, which shy and puts on the dairy gland.
- Bad sleep, overwork and intensive work on the house also not rarely become causes of lactostasis.
- Using the nipple or the child's sweeping from the bottle. After experience with a bottle or a pacifier, a child can suck the chest less intensively, and do not empty it to the end.
- Nutrition. When using a large number of fatty products, nuts, milk changes its consistency and becomes more viscous, which makes it difficult to pass through the ducts of the breast.
- Weather. The organism of some moms can react with lactostasis on a sharp change of temperature.
- Violation of the drinking mode in hot weather, the same cause of milk stagnation. It is necessary to use more pure drinking water in the summer.
- Stirring. Perhaps in the first days, while the process is not settled, heaviness will occur in lactic glands. Then you can write a little milk to relief. If you will regularly push the residues of milk after feeding, it will lead to an even greater influx.
What to do when the symptoms of lactostasses occur?
First of all, it should be remembered that it is impossible to leave symptoms without attention. Launched lactostasis develops into mastitis. And this inflammation is serious and requires treatment with antibiotics.
- The very first help in the formation of stagnation will be frequent attachment of the child to the chest. During feeding, the share of the mammary gland is empty, which is indicated by the baby's chin. So you can adjust the milk yield by the position of the crumbs in the chest. Change the situation more often so that all the shares are devastated evenly.
- If frequent feeding did not cope with the stagnation, you can resort to additional complacement. For a better outflow, take a warm shower and slightly massage the place of stagnation.
- To quickly improve the condition, use compresses between kid feedings. Well coped with their task compresses from cabbage sheets, slightly shot down, or honey pellets, based on honey and flour.
In any case, you can act independently until the stagnation delivers only discomfort in the chest. If the temperature is strongly rising, the inflamed place on the chest blues and becomes hot, you should contact a doctor. The doctor will be able to prevent complications and the transition of lactostasis in mastitis.
What can not be done with a stitch of milk
- Tolerate. Waiting until inflammation passes itself and not take any measures.
- Do not feed the child. Milk stagnation does not affect its quality and does not harm the baby.
- Lubricate inflammation with alcohol or camphor, the ointment of Vishnevsky. These funds will not only help solve the problem, but can significantly aggravate it and harm the quality of milk.
- Heat the place of inflammation can only be directly before feeding or complaining.
- Reduce the amount of drink. Milk comes in response to breast stimulation, and does not depend on the amount of liquid drilled.
With lactostasis, to one degree or another, almost every nursing woman faces. With timely assistance, all this will be done very quickly and will simply become another experience of a young mother. The main thing is to adequately appreciate its condition and, with the slightest doubts, refer to the specialists.
Somehow breastfeeding immediately did not hold down. At first, cracks appeared on the nipples, which eliminated in the end with the help of ointment, see. Then after some time makes mastitis. Capported leaf really helps very well. Only I crumbled him in a blender and laid out this cracked on a folded broat and applied to a seal on the chest, on top of the film, and all this fixed the plaster. I changed the compress in the morning and in the evening. Three-four days all came to normal.