What to feed the child after vomiting

What to feed the child after vomiting

Power must be carefully matched to the child. Children's body is very sensitive to the introduction of new products, as well as to their quality. Therefore, any negligence in food can lead to poisoning. When the baby begins to vomit - it means that the body wants to get rid yourself of harmful elements in the stomach.

Meals during vomiting

Some mothers try to feed the baby immediately after the release of vomit, arguing that the stomach is empty, and the child feels a sense of hunger. But it's not right. On the first day, the patient is better not to give to eat, but only its otpaivat.Tak like may occur dehydration. You must make sure that the child is constantly getting the right amount of liquid. He can be given:

  • salted vodichku
  • Rehydron or Ionica
  • Unsweetened compote of dried fruits
  • Black tea
  • Decoction of rose hips (if not allergic)

Diet after vomiting

If the retching stopped, the power can be administered on the second day. Do not immediately go back to an ordinary kitchen. It is necessary to exclude a number of products.

  • Butter
  • Meat or fish (no matter how prepared)
  • any juices
  • Fresh buns and bread
  • Sausage and sausage
  • Wheat and barley porridge

Nutrition should be a fraction, and in small portions. In no case do not force the child to eat. You have to wait until the baby shows interest in food. After vomiting allowed dishes: mashed vegetables without butter and vegetable oil

  • salted crackers
  • Jelly or jelly homemade.
  • Rice and buckwheat porridge.
  • Low-fat curd, without the addition of sour cream

Powered by vomiting for children less than one year

  • Nothing but breast milk for the first day to give is not worth it. Exclude complementary feeding.
  • Infants who are bottle-fed recommend giving buckwheat or rice mixture.
  • After 3-4 days after the poisoning, you can return to the usual baby dishes
  • If vomiting continues for more than 24 hours, the child refuses to drink at all, it is necessary to seek medical help.

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