Magnificent pancakes on rhyzhen - recipe

Magnificent pancakes on rhyzhen - recipe

Even such a fairly simple, at first glance, the dish as pancakes can cause difficulties. Questions may arise at the cooking stage that "does not want to rise." And it happens that the pancakes are beautiful and lush in a frying pan for some reason "fall out", barely appeared in a plate. The article will introduce some secrets of cooking sweet, lush and tasty foddes.

Lush fritters - preparation recommendations

  • Take care of the choice of quality products. This statement relates primarily to flour - use the wheat flour of the highest grade.
  • Mix the components of the dish is better not a mixer or blender, but manually.
  • As the basis, it is recommended to use fermented dairy products - yogurt, ryazhenka, kefir, prostroprious. Their fat content can be any. Important condition - the dairy base should be warm.
  • The amount of sugar, which is added to the dough, directly affects the magnitude of the latter. The smaller (in reasonable limits) of the sweet sand you add, the higher and the lush will turn out pancakes.
  • A finished dough before burning in no way should be mixed again.
  • Fry pancakes better on a cast-iron pan or any other with a thick bottom.

Magnificent pancakes on rhyzhen - dishes ingredients

The easiest and most affordable chipset recipe on the ion includes the following ingredients:

  • Ryazhenka - 0.5 l
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 2-3 cups
  • Soda - 0.5 hl
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp (you can do without sugar without sugar, but better at least 1 tbsp. L sweet sand)
  • Vanilla - pinch for fragrance
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying fry

Magnificent pancakes on rippy - cooking stages

  • Pour the prepared dishes in the prepared dishes.
  • Add to her eggs. Using a manual whine or plug, slightly sweat the mixture.
  • Add sugar to the composition. Be careful with this ingredient and do not overdo it. Mix the components again until the homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • If you are planning to add salt and vanillin, then it is best to do it now.

  • Now the time of flour and soda came. An alternative to the latter can serve a baking powder in the amount of 1.5 C.L. Before turning on the flour, do not forget to sift it. Such a simple manipulation will allow it to be saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on baking and makes it even more air. The sifted flour gradually interfere in the dough. Do not use a blender. It will help reduce cooking time, but the magnificity of your oldis will also leave.
  • The amount of flour in the recipe is indicated approximate. It is important to ensure that the dough does not work too liquid. If you need to be careful with sugar, it is definitely not worth saving on the flour. Mass should be thick enough and do not drain from the fork. An example of a successful test is a thick mass with small lumps and bubbles.

  • Next, the prepared dough leave "reach". Take the container with hot water and place the dishes with the dough. Cover it with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • After the specified time, you start frying. To do this, "press off" with a spoon the necessary volume of the test and place it on a hot frying pan. The fire must be medium. The roasting time is 2-3 minutes each side.

Finished pancakes lay out on the dish. If you wish, season a delicacy with a jam or sour cream. Bon Appetit!

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