Paste with shrimps in cream sauce - recipe

Paste with shrimps in cream sauce - recipe

Paste with shrimps is the perfect option for lunch and dinner, as it contains a lot of nutritious trace elements. The dishes are based on pasta, to choose and the preparation of which it is worth starting with special care. It is recommended to use spaghetti or elongated pasta. Shrimps are better to buy crude - it will save time for the preparation of pasta. There are also a number of other useful recommendations that will help you prepare a delicious prawns.

Useful recommendations for the preparation of delicious paste

  1. So that the pasta did not stick during cooking, add a tablespoon of vegetable or other oil into the water and mix everything.
  2. Alternatively, grape or olive oil can be used as an alternative to vegetable. It does not have a clearly pronounced taste and smell, so it will be perfectly suitable for cooking paste.
  3. If you use greasy cream, choose low-fat cheese varieties. This will make the dish not so fat.
  4. For cooking, use only fresh garlic, which still gives the smell. Otherwise, it will not give the aroma of oil, therefore it will no longer be in its addition to the oil.

Paste with shrimps in creamy sauce: classic recipe

What you need to prepare a paste with shrimps in a creamy sauce on a classic recipe:

  1. Paste 300 g
  2. Shrimp purified 500 g
  3. Cheese low-fat 200 g
  4. Cream with fat content from 20% 300 g
  5. Garlic 2-3 pcs.
  6. Salt small to taste
  7. Vegetable (olive, grape) oil


  1. Pour filtered water into the enameled pan and bring it to a boil. Then salute the water and wait until the salt is dissolved. Put pasta in the water and cook almost until complete readiness. Makaroni should succeed slightly not enough, so it is necessary to turn off the fire in 2 minutes to the time specified on the package. Then discard pasta to colander.
  2. If the shrimps are frozen, then lower them in cold water, then wait until they are rejoicing. Fresh shrimps need to be simply rinsed under water.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom, clean the garlic and cut it into pieces of medium size. It is impossible to cut garlic with too small pieces otherwise it will fry and it will be more difficult to get from the oil. Put the pieces of garlic on the oil heated in a frying pan and wait for the garlic to give him an aroma. This will require approximately 2-3 minutes (depending on the power of the fire). Then remove the garlic out of the oil.
  4. Wear a cream with a whisk and pour them into garlic oil, then add shrimps. All salute and mix thoroughly. Cushion shrimps in cream for 10 minutes.
  5. Add pasta to sauce and shrimps, mix all and extinguish for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Sutitate cheese on the grater and sprinkle them just cooked pasta.

Pasta with shrimps in cream sauce: a second way of cooking

What  necessary  for  cooking  paste  with  shrimps  v  creamy  sauce:

  1. Macaroni 200 g
  2. Shrimp 400-500 g
  3. Wheat flour 1 tbsp.
  4. Milk 100 g
  5. Salt small
  6. Vegetable oil
  7. Cream 150 ml.
  8. Cheese 200 g
  9. Greens Fresh (Basil, Parsley)


  1. Pour water into the pan and wait until it boils. Sung wash the water and wait until it boils, and put pasta in it. Boil pasta until readiness, interfere with them periodically. Flip pasta on a colander to the glasses of excess water.
  2. Mix milk with wheat flour, add to the cream mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and salt the mixture.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water until complete readiness.
  4. Finely cut down onions and garlic. Fry them on the heated oil in a pan.
  5. Add shrimps to the pan and roast them for 2 minutes. Add a mixture of milk and cream, extinguish everything for 5 minutes. If you wish, add some salt.
  6. Add a paste to the pan and keep the dish on the fire for another 2 minutes, interfere with it periodically.
  7. Sattail cheese on the grater. A minute before cooking, sprinkle with cheese.
  8. Put the greens and sprinkle her cooked pasta.

Paste with shrimps is an independent and satisfying dish that can be decorated with greens, cheese and vegetables. Also as a supplement can be yolk. You need to add it in a hot paste and immediately feed the paste to the table so that the yolk does not have time to turn.

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