When to salt cabbage in November 2019?

When to salt cabbage in November 2019?

Even in the time of our grandmothers, gardeners tried to adhere to the lunar calendar in many areas of life. Most often this applied to garden work, i.e. Sowing the cereals and vegetable crops. They say that on the favorably planted days, they grew up very large, tasty and had remarkable properties of long -term storage. Many today's gardeners are also interested in this topic, but they go even further. For example, even the same cabbage is fermented on certain days.

The influence of the moon on various life affairs

As a result of many years of observation, people came to the conclusion that the phases of the moon greatly affect the outcome of a particular case. As you know, the moon has several phases of development. The so -called phases are visual pictures of the celestial body in the night sky. They depend on the angle at this time the moon is illuminated by the sun. The most favorable phase is considered the one in which the moon from a thin Serpik begins to gradually turn into a round body. This phase is called: the growing moon. It is believed that it is on the growing moon that it is worth starting significant events and deeds. The energy of the moon at this time is the most positive and strong, and it is it that helps people, grow plants and even quarrels of cabbage. The latter is associated with the enhanced secretion of bacteria, which make the cabbage acidic, crisp and very tasty.

Additional factors to get tasty cabbage

According to the observation of cooks, the salting of cabbage will be the most successful if two more conditions are observed:

  • Do this on the days when the moon is in the signs of Aries, Capricorn or Taurus.
  • Try to quarrel cabbage on the so -called men's days: Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Of course, sometimes it happens that at home and work, it is very difficult to observe all three conditions at the same time: the growing phase of the moon, finding it in a certain sign and even a specific day of the week. If this possibility does not exist, the cabbage is nevertheless reduced precisely on the growing moon, not taking into account the zodiac sign and not tied to the male day.

The best days of November 2019 for salting cabbage

The best day in which all three conditions are combined: November 11 - Monday on the growing moon, which at that time will be in Taurus.

The following days are also considered favorable when in November 2019 the moon will grow:

  • from November 1 to 3 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The moon at this time will be in the Capricorn we need.
  • November 7 - Thursday. Moon in fish. On this day, although it is not suitable for the zodiac sign, a male day factor is connected.
  • November 28 - Thursday. The moon in the constellation Sagittarius. Another men's day on the growing moon.
  • November 30 - Saturday. Moon in Capricorn. Two good factors: a growing moon and the desired sign.

By choosing a convenient day for salting cabbage in November 2019, you can use this simple recipe. The cabbage will turn out very juicy, crispy and incredibly tasty.

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