When to shed cabbage in 2019?

When to shed cabbage in 2019?

Experienced summer residents and gardeners know that the lunar calendar is what is worth navigating in many cases, including in the cabbage bed. Let's see today, which says the lunar calendar for 2019 for the harvest and cabbage collection, as well as find out all the nuances of the process under consideration.

August calendar

It is the lunar calendar that prompts the hostesses and a dacket when it is worth removing the harvest when cooking pickles and tear vegetables with a bed for long-term storage. This method is checked for years, so with confidence you can call it accurate. Cabbage is the product that contains a huge number of different vitamins, and is also an excellent raw material for the soles. Among other things, cabbage is used everywhere:

  • add to salads
  • for the preparation of boors and other hot dishes
  • salary
  • apply in folk medicine, etc.

It is consumed in a variety of species - boiled, salty, stew, fried. It's not very difficult to grow the growing vegetable, but at the end of the season a good harvest is not easy. In order to do this, it is necessary to apply a lot of effort, as well as to be the owner of certain knowledge. In the cultivation of cabbage, the lunar calendar will also become an excellent assistant, because it will be the favorable days for e sowing, watering, feeding, cleaning and salting.

Choose cabbage for salting

Before contacting the lunar calendar for 2019 to select a suitable day for the self-catering cabbage, you must choose the way to choose the cabbage for this process. Inexperienced hostesses need to know that cabbage for salting should be solid, elastic and not too big. Too big heads are not so juicy as small, and how much of their cultivation is some kind of dubious (large quocheans are quite difficult to grow in natural conditions without the influence of chemicals on them). If this is your cabbage (you personally grown), then you may not doubt and choose just tight heads without paying attention to the size.

It is not recommended to use Chinese varieties cappist for those under consideration, as well as Dutch manufacturers. Experienced hostesses suggest that salt cabbage from these varieties is not very tasty, so it's not even experimenting.

If you decide to plant a bought cabbage, it is necessary to rinse it well before the sickling process, after which it will get rid of the upper sheets - this is not a recommendation, but a mandatory rule.

Salt for serving cabbage also need to choose correctly. For the process under consideration, the stone salt of the middle fraction or large, the small salt in this case is not quoted.

Soldering by calendar

If we argue other vegetables in one day, everything happens to the cabbage differently, because she should also be worried about, before it becomes ready to use. That is why it is better to choose the right days with the help of a lunar calendar (in this case, the month that interests us is August). So, the optimal cabbage salting option is 6-7 days after the new moon cycle is completed. If you produce the process in question exactly during this period, then following the result, you will get a very tasty and crispy cabbage.

If you decide to break off cabbage in the period when the moon goes to descend or in the entire moon cycle itself, then you will be waiting for the cabbage to be soft and enough sour, so call it ideal, definitely will not work. It is also worth noting that with cucumber and everything turns out the same as with the cabbage. In the period under review, and with cucumbers is also obtained.

If you decide to chant a large amount of cabbage, remember that it is not worth a very often lifting the cover, because such your actions will lead to the accelerated fermentation process, which will negatively affect the taste indicators of the cooked product. No need to open the lid also because, frequent ventilation is simply dried by cabbage.

It is also necessary to remember that the cabbage should always be in the brine, because without it it will dry very quickly and there will be irrelevant.

Recipe delicious cabbage

If you want to make cabbage tasty, you need to pick it up for a proven recipe. To begin with, we define ingredients:

  • Cabbage - 2 small tougher heads
  • Carrot - 2-3 pieces (medium size)
  • Stone salt - 4 teaspoons (preferably large)
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon (sugar sand is also suitable)

The preparation method is as follows:

  • It all starts with cabbage bumps. The smaller you sweep it, the tastier you will succeed.
  • We fold the product in a saucepan, it is desirable that it was enamelled.
  • On the grater grind carrots. In this case, it is best to use a large grater. After the process under consideration, we send carrot to the cabbage.
  • We sprinkle all our ingredients with salt, and mix well very well. In this case, interfere. Even you can say to mine cabbage and carrot, it will be necessary for your hands. This is the perfect way to make sauced cabbage very tasty. It is clear that before the process under consideration you will need to wash your hands well.
  • In some recipes, the carrot is added with sugar, and after that everything is thoroughly too.
  • Now it's time to pour all this previously cooked brine, its quantity should be so that it covers slightly cabbage.

Now you know how to pick up cabbage, and what day it is best to do.

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