When is the red hill in 2019?

When is the red hill in 2019?

Probably, many have heard such a combination of words like a "red hill", but not everyone knows that it represents this concept, which it refers and in principle that it is. Let's see what a red hill is when she passes and what to do with it.

The story of "Red Gorka"

All that is beautiful, in Russia was previously called "red", which is why the bright holiday in the spring of a hundred is called "Red Hill". The holiday in question, like many in the Christian calendar, is tied to the main holiday of the year - Easter. It turns out that it is impossible to say that the date of the holiday under consideration is always the same, because it shifts along with Easter, one or another in the calendar.

At the moment, the red slide is held on the first Sunday day after Easter, it turns out that on the eighth day after the resurrection of Christ, so that if you know when Easter will be in 2019, it means that you will not be difficult to determine when "red slide". The following year, the holiday under consideration will celebrate in May month, the 5th. In the Christian faith, the holiday in question is also called Antipasha. Some believe that the prefix "anti" is not deciphered as - "against", but, on the contrary, "such a light Easter".

Long ago, most weddings happened on a red slide, they were held magnificently with a scope and very fun. Until this day reached the tradition of marrying precisely on the red hill, because many still lead to the fact that the marriage concluded that this day promises to be long, happy and calm, and isn't everyone who decided to get married or marry .

In Russian villages, several wedding ceremonies could be made on this day, and ultimately all these different ceremonies were connected to one. This kind of walking could delay until night.

No one is even surprised today when he hears that someone decided to hold a wedding rite on a red slide, because on this day is always good weather and the atmosphere. Many believe that it is on this day that a truly durable and strong marriage can be concluded.

We call spring

Among other things, in the considered holiday, the spring is accepted. People in all ways invite Spring to enter into their own rights:

  • As soon as the sun rises above the horizon, everyone went out and called on the spring the redness to come, bring warmth and blossom of nature.
  • The girl who was chosen by the clerk was considered very important and necessary for this rite. It should be a beautiful, smart and cute girl, which is similar to spring. Everyone becomes in the dance, and the caster must be in the middle and singing special songs so that spring heard and came to the call of people.
  • All girls participating in this rite believed that with the first advent of the sun's ray on this day, their personal life will work out and soon they will meet the only one that dreamed of all their lives.

This rite was always treated very much and believed that with the spring of their lives to change for the better.

Easter dead

The holiday under consideration has several sides, in some regions of the Russian Federation at the moment the red slide is considered Easter dead. On this day, it is necessary to remember the dead, which were once attended in the life of everyone, to remember them and ask them the kingdom of heaven. Here, too, there are our own, so-called rites:

  • Eggs apart in sufficiently dark and dark colors - dark blue, brown, green.
  • Preparing Kutu, do everything possible so that it is tasty and satisfying, treat it with good people and neighbors and ask to remember their deceased close.
  • In some localities, it is customary on this day to go to the cemetery and treat the dead cooked living dishes - the same bushes, eggs, etc.

Some traditions originated a long time ago, and therefore, after a while we had changed and acquired a new color. This happens quite often and the culprit of all this is only time. Some believe that on this day it is necessary to come to the cemetery to treat their relatives of the dead and at the same time collect "treats" from other graves.

In fact, this cannot be done in any way, because nothing of the cemetery cannot be frozen - neither food or objects (no matter how tempting they seem to you, even if you find a gold bracelet or something else.

It is necessary to understand that the cemetery is the place of the dead, their territory, and therefore it is impossible to pick anything alive there that the dead can not take something in the living. And one more recommendation is not in the cemetery after sunset, it's not at all what.

How it should be:

  • christian comes in the cemetery
  • remembers his loved one
  • gives him due - can talk to him
  • leaves a treat
  • and leaves the place of the dead

Red Gorka - the holiday is not unambiguous, because some marry on this day, others go to spend dead relatives. It does not matter exactly how you will spend this date, the main thing is that you believe in God, understood what to do is not worth it, but what is a good act.

In 2019, the holiday in question will come on May 5th. Someone can perceive it as time for a celebration, and someone just goes to the cemetery and pray for dead close.

To know all the festive dates, you can simply purchase a Christian calendar in which not only festive dates will be indicated, but also painfully decipher them.

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