Lunar Calendar of Flower for 2019

Lunar Calendar of Flower for 2019

Active climatic changes occurring during the year strongly affect such fragile plants as flowers. The cyclic lunar phases also postpone their imprint on the state of the plants. So that your works are not in vain, and in the garden and houses always pleased the eyes of the juicy paints of bright buds, contact the lunar calendar. This "adviser" of the flower apparatus will be a reliable assistant in many collaboration issues.

Effect of Earth's satellite on the growth and development of colors

  • The time of the new moon is characterized by peace and calm in the life of plants. You should not disturb your colors during this period.
  • The growth phase affects the activation of the processes in the ground part of the plant, and the decrease in the cycle is to strengthen and develop the root system. The period of decrease in the moon is also a favorable period for feeding, soil fertilizers, weed control. Watering colors or at the stage of satellite growth, or when it decreases.
  • Seed harvest, as well as the struggle with pests, is best to do during the full moon.

From a zodiac point of view, the most successful time for transplanting the colors will be a satellite of a sign of a virgin or scorpion. Feed the plants better on descending the moon when it passes Aquarius, scales or twins.

Favorable colorful lunar days in 2019

  • Do not start a year with active work. In January, it is better to pay the time for transfer of houseplants. The most favorable period of decrease in the earthly satellite is the last one third of the month. Also these days can be placed seeds and bulbs for future seedlings, thus prepared for the new season. The location of the Moon 10, 15 and 16th allows you to carry out any work.
  • The last month of winter will delight flowerflowers from the 6th to the 13th (and especially 6, 7 and 12 February). These days it is recommended to do disembarking seeds for flowers having a long growth period. A question of the transfer of homemade crops and placing the bulbs in the ground is made after the 20th day of the current month.
  • March - the best time working with Astrami, marigolds and cloves. The most successful lunar days will be 7, 10 and 12 numbers. But on the 6th and 21st day of the month it is better to postpone classes with flowers and switch, for example, to prepare a plot for the future flower garden.
  • April comes to the transition of seedlings and seeds in open ground (under the film). A favorable time for this will be the days of active growth of the Earth's satellite. Landing colors with an active growth of the ground part is better to spend from the 6th to the 12th (the most successful days - 7 and 11 April). With disembarking of tuber colors, happiness up to the third decade of the month when the moon will decline.
  • In the first day days it is recommended to do soil fertilizer. Finish work stands until the 5th - new moon. On this day it is better to abandon any type of work, and proceed to them after the 6th. From the 7th to the 18th of May, the moon is favorable for all types of garden work.

  • June arrival is visiting bright paints of flowering flower beds. At the beginning of the month (1, June 2), the moon is ascended, and therefore it is better to spend this time in the fight against weeds and pests. The growth phase of the earth's satellite, which will be from the 4th to the 16th number of the month, promises good growth to all colors planted during this period. Especially favorable will be 5, 6 and 13th day. After the 19th, deal with weeding and soil looser.
  • In the period of the July heat, take care of sufficient watering of plants. With the transplantation and disadvantage of tuberous colors, do on the days of the satellite - the 1st or already from July 18th and until the end of the month. Good days to care for plants will be 3, July 11 and 16.
  • In August, the favorable effect of the moon will manifest from the 6th to the 8th. The second half of the month (August 16-29) dedicate the landing of such bulbs as snowdrops or valley.
  • The first autumn days, especially from the 3rd to September 5, is the most successful time to prepare colors to the future wintering. Although these work can be carried out until September 12. Planting the bulbs of tulips, crocuses, daffodils and hyacinths to do in a decreasing phase of the satellite - from the 15th to the 22nd Day of September.
  • In October, tight preparation for the upcoming cold begins. The first half of the month (especially 1 and 2 numbers) dedicate the shelter of perennial plants for the winter, dumping the soil. To dedicate the second part of October to the reassembly and searcation of indoor colors.
  • On the eve of the winter, focus on indoor plants. Favorable days will be 1, 6 and 7th. The most successful period for their feeding will be week from November 13 to 20.
  • Even in the period of winter sleep, the plants need care. The best time to care for them will be 3, 5 and 10th day of the month. But the feeding and loosening of the soil should be postponed until December 13-26.

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