When is Maslenitsa in 2019?

When is Maslenitsa in 2019?

The passenger week is one of the most fun and interesting periods of the year, except for the New Year holidays. This holiday is considered Orthodox, although he is rooted in the pagan faith. Let's figure it out today in all this and find out when there will be Maslenitsa in 2019.

Holiday date and his story

Maslenitsa is not one day, but a whole period lasting in 7 days. At this time, various kinds of walking with fairs, bazaars, competitions, tea drinking, etc. are usually suitable. In general, this holiday takes place the lot of interesting things. For those who believe in God and keeps the post, Maslenitsa - this is a reason to bother before sitting on a serious diet.

This holiday is a way of farewell to winter cold, which are so tired of these three months. Here, the winter and meeting of spring are immediately occur. Every year the carnival occurs in different dates, so for those who cannot independently calculate when there is a carnival, it is necessary to look at the Orthodox calendar. In 2019, the cheerful week will be conducted from March 4 to March 10 (each time it is a full week from the first day to the last inclusive).

Previously, the carnival was called quite differently, namely, a comedian. This period was considered the beginning of the new year (and the pagans were celebrated this date). When Christianity scored its popularity. The holiday in question has acquired a little different meaning and played, so to speak, new paints.

By carnival, this holiday was because during this period, people most often used milk products, including pancakes with butter. According to tradition in this holiday, true Christians had to cover gorgeous tables, wherein should be pancakes (fans could be different).

At the moment, the Christian church says that Maslenitsa is a holiday not only for belly, but also for the soul. During this period, we not only need to eat tasty, but also communicate with all their people.

Preparation for the holiday

If today preparation for Maslenitsa is to prepare pancakes, then before it was a global process. A week before the start of the shops, the hostess began to guide orders in homes and near them, it was a very important point. Everything was supplied to cleanliness, even the walls to Maslenita were blown again.

In the house to the carnival should be in the presence of all the products: milk, oil, flour, potatoes, cereals, etc. Do not forget also also about buying sweets for kids.

Let's look at how carnival is carried out on all canons during the week:

  • On Monday there is a meeting of Maslenitsa. On this day, everyone starts the stove pancakes. All the action begins on the very early morning so that the households can have a breakfast to enjoy tasty pancakes. By tradition, the first pancake was necessarily given to the one who needs and does not have the ability to furnace pancakes at home. On the same day, they make a stuffed, which becomes a real symbol.
  • Tuesday - On this day, all free and lonely people begin to look for their second halves. This day can be ledging to the day of all lovers. In order for the process of searching for second halves it was easier, folk festivities are arranged in the center of the settlement, the main topic of which are love contests. If a person has found a second half, he could marry only after a post passes, not before this term.
  • Wednesday - This day, people spend in the circle of their closest and relatives, in the evening friends are invited to the house and all together spend the evening. There should be delicious people on the table, including pancakes with different fillings.
  • Thursday is the most vivid impressions of people get on this day, because on Thursday the most fun contests are arranged and a lot of alcohol drinks. Horror, songs, dances and all the fun goes on this day.
  • Friday - On this day, the son-in-law must be mandatory to call for himself a mother-in-house and spend the whole evening with her, pleaseing her, satisfying all her desires. Even if the relationship between these people cannot be called friendly, the meeting process should not be canceled by any pretext.
  • Saturday - daughter-in-law should try this evening and spend it with her husband's sisters. They need to feed themselves with the most delicious pancakes and talk on women's themes all evening. Girls sing songs together, sharing secrets.

  • Sunday - This day is considered a fade Sunday afternoon. On this last day of Maslenitsa, people ask each other forgiveness from everyone, to whom they have guessed at least once. It also takes goodbye to cold and winter. It's time to fill the scarecrow, which is a symbol of this passenger holiday.

There are also some signs regarding this holiday who will tell you what is waiting for us in the future:

If the pancakes on the first day of the carnival are unsuccessful, then in the near future there are no good news and events to wait.

If you chose sweets from a variety of pancakes with different fillings, you are waiting for pleasant surprises and unexpected news that will change your life. And for the better.

If you decide to celebrate Carnival on all canons, you will be pleasantly surprised, because adherence to all traditions it is fun and very interesting. Attract your children to celebrate the carnival, who will be happy to help you to cook pancakes, and after that it is pleasure to be eager.

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