The wen often appear in the inappropriate place and delivered to their presence a certain cosmetology discomfort. Many people try to get rid of these formations on their own, using sweater. But if the girovik found himself near the eye or mouth, it is better to apply for help to a dermatologist. You can remove firouts in different ways, so consider the safest of them.
Why do wen arise on the face?
Fair or lipoma - small nodules (Miliums) or yellow plaques (xantellasm), which contain leaks of skin fat and oroging scales. For health, they do not provide danger, but pretty worsen external appeal.
The exact cause of the appearance of lipomes is not established, but there are several predisposing factors:
- Problems with the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Frequent irradiation under the sun.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Alcoholism.
- Frequent use of sweets.
- Insufficient daily hygiene measures.
- Liver disease.
- Wrong skin care.
- Enhance cholesterol.
On a note! At first, the white point appears on the skin, and soon she begins to harden and grow. Therefore, it is better to delete fat, as soon as it appeared.
How to remove wen with a doctor from a doctor
It is painless and in the shortest deadlines you can remove lime in the Cosmetologist's office. This uses such techniques:
- Mechanical autopsy - linden is cut off and completely remove the fat capsule. After that, the girodics no longer appears. It is used to remove large growths.
- Aspirational deletion - the contents of lipoma are pulled by the needle. The method is painless, does not leave scars, but the lipom can come back.
- Laser method - evaporation of the fat capsule without damaging its shell. An effective and expensive way to get rid of wen.
- Electro-generation - burning lipoma. A painful way that completely eliminates the re-emergence of growth.
- Chemical peeling - scraping the top ball of the skin in the field of wiring after processing with special acids. Additionally, cleanses the skin from the burned layer.
Important! The removal method is selected individually at the reception at the cosmetologist, taking into account the general state of health.
How to remove wen with face pharmaceutical preparations
It is possible to compete with wen and a conservative way with the help of ointments that soften the lipom shell increase blood flow and restore the exchange processes in the skin.
The most effective is the proven ointment of Vishnevsky. Everyone remembers it according to the characteristic shark aroma of the tar. But this deficiency can be taken, given the fact that the "young" girowing after rubbing this ointment is completely absorbed. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate with lipo ointment daily and put the leukoplasty.
Another good remedy for wen - Ointment "Vitaon". It is necessary to use it about 30 days, but the result will also be positive.
How to remove wen from the face at home - folk methods
If you are not a supporter of cosmetic salons and drugs, you can resort to traditional medicine. Supports will help. Such recipes will help:
- Ointment of the outbuilding soap and onions - Stodit both ingredients on a grater in a ratio of 1: 1, negotiate a mass of 15 minutes on a small fire (it is better to do for a couple), cool and attach it to fat. The duration of the procedure should be at least 40 minutes. On average, 8-10 sessions are required.
- Calanechoe or aloe is a sheet of one of the plants, cut down for two and attach to the lime, fixing the plaster. Keep your whole night, and if it is possible - 24 hours a day, changing leaves on fresh. Do such procedures need to disappear lipoma.
- Acetic-iodine row is acetic essence and an alcohol iodine solution mixed in equal parts and a girody is lubricated with a cotton wand. It is important before it to smear a fat area of \u200b\u200bthe skin around the lipoma, otherwise it will get a burn. 3-5 procedures are required.
This is so easy to bring wen on your face. But before conducting any procedure, consult with a doctor or cosmetologist.