How to remove the cape fast

How to remove the cape fast

Your partner in the heat of passion put you to sleep on the neck or chest. It is clear that I don't want to demonstrate those surrounding this mark on the body. Blooding can turn on the skin for more than a week. Do not panic, our tips will help you quickly get rid of dosses and do not wear clothes with a collar and scarves in the summer.

How to quickly remove the sleeping - do not lose the precious time

If you immediately noticed the sacro - do not lose time. Fresh bruises will disappear quickly if it takes it on time to eliminate it. Attach the ice cube or cold spoon chilled in the freezer on the problem area. Low temperature will not give blood to the tissues, narrowing the vessels, and the bruises will quickly disappear. Wrap the ice or other cold item with polyethylene and hold ten minutes on the blood sector. Carefully apply the cold on the neck and chest area! It is better to place it for these places, you can catch a cold. Apply a grid from iodine to fresh cape. But do not smear a lot, otherwise the skin will get a burn and starts to peel.

How to quickly remove the sawmill - Medical preparations

Buy in a pharmacy ointment, which has the property of the narrowing of vessels and accelerates blood. The preparation must be heparin. These drugs include:

  • heparin's ointment;
  • cream with bodic. You can replace the powder with a bodic, it is also sold in a pharmacy. Mix it with water, apply to a problem place and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Troksevazin;
  • Lioton-gel.

The use of these and other drugs will help to get rid of the traces of a passionate kiss. You will have 2-3 days to resemble in closed clothes or disguise the bruise of the scarf. Use for masking decorative cosmetics - tone cream or powder.

How to quickly remove the sleeping - folk recipes

Try to cope with the unlaced brand with the help of folk recipes. Choose any:

  • baking soda. Divide the soda to the water to come out thick Cashier. Distribute Cashitz at the site of the seed. You remove the dried mass and apply a new one. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times;
  • potato. Stit on the grater cleaned potatoes. Make a potato compress and hold 30 minutes in a problem location. You can apply a small piece of purified potatoes on the cape instead of Cashitz. After every half an hour, change the slices of potatoes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. You can press potato juice and soak the bandage in it. Apply gauze to the bruises with light pattering movements. After drying the marble procedure, repeat 2-3 times;
  • aloe. Cut the aloe leaf and attach a soft part for a couple of minutes to the cape. You can make an applique of fresh aloe and medical alcohol sheets;
  • onion. Cut in half the bulb and apply on the affected skin area. You can use garlic instead of onions;
  • white toothpaste. Apply it on the toothbrush and slightly massate the bruise.

Note that in a few hours you are from the dosage with the help of folk remedies do not get rid. But it will pass not in a week, but in 2-3 days.

How to Remove Snap Fast - Massage

Easy skin massage will help quickly get rid of the signs of violent passion. But do not press the skin - do light rubbing, otherwise you get the opposite effect. A light massage will turn off the blood clots, blood circulation under the skin will increase and the dark spot from the sample will quickly disappear. Finger tips massage the seat site first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. Repeat manipulation 10 times. If the silent is fresh - massage it with a cold spoon.

Do not be offended by your beloved person for a passionate kiss, which left on your skin a unpleasant track. You can get rid of it. But if it repeats it - talk to a partner seriously. The best method of combating sakes is their prevention.

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