How to make a cocoon

How to make a cocoon

The pupils delivered in full swing will be a sign that the beloved belongs to you. This is an indicator of passion and love, a reminder of passionate relations. But be sure that it will like your chosen one!

How to make a slaughter - rules for those who want to learn

If you have gathered to pose a beloved person, consider the following rules:

  • the teeth never participate in this intimate process;
  • make sure your favorite person is in a relaxed state;
  • choose a suitable place for a hot kiss. Put sides on the neck, hips, on the clavicle and on the inner side of the elbow. Learn from a partner where you can put a sacrifice;
  • tell your favorite guy or a girl about your intention. A person can be shocked, discouraged and will even get angry from the appearance of such noted on the body, if you put the sawmill unexpectedly. A very rare unexpected surprise brings joy without prior consent. But if you have been together for a long time - you can do a surprise.

How to make a sacrifice - preparation

Start from afar, do not immediately enter the partner in the neck as a vampire. For courage you can arrange a romantic date with a glass of wine. Hold the time to ordinary kisses and caresses. Gradually, drop the lips to the neck or another selected place. Go from delicate kisses to more passionate. Relax. They saw that your partner was also relaxed - it's time to make a sleep.

Making a seeding right

Cancer implementation technique:

  • scroll down the lips and tightly, but gently pressing the selected place on the partner's body;
  • start sucking your skin for 30 seconds. Suck strongly so that the vessels under the skin burst, because it is precisely that it appears. But do not hurt the partner! Play with skin tongue during suction. The partner's body will become more sensitive and your caresses will like;
  • alternate Snap with kisses - 10 seconds, we share gentle kisses and again start sucking your beloved skin;
  • smoothly complete this procedure. Gently kiss your beloved in the dosage area and continue ordinary caress.

Consider, instantly sleeping will not appear. You will see a partner's body mark in 5-10 minutes. It also happens violet, and a gentle pink shade. Do not worry, after a week, bruises will pass.

How to disguise skew?

From the point of view of aesthetics, the sacrifice looks not very beautiful, especially in a prominent place. But it can be disguised:

  • take advantage of the tonal cream. Apply it to the bruise in a thick layer. But first make sure that the tone of the cream is suitable for your skin color. Large characters on the body are hidden by theatrical makeup;
  • take a scarf or neck scarf. Skid on the shovel Hide a blouse or t-shirt. In winter, it's easier - a warm turtleneck with a throat will hide everything;
  • break the hair if they are long;
  • put the plaster on the bruise. Everyone who will ask about this, answer that they burned the iron or the pimple jumped on the body;
  • accelerate the skin healing process. Apply ice to the area of \u200b\u200bthe dosage, use the ointment "Arnica" or heparin ointment, lubricate the bruise with a raw bulb or toothpaste.

Harm Snaps do not bring and excellent time for them - winter. You will easily cover the traces of love joy with warm clothing. Bloodstocks will be held in a few days or lasted a couple of weeks, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

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