How to get rid of jealous

How to get rid of jealous

Jealousy is one of the most difficult feelings with which it is not easy to cope. She absorbs, overshadows the mind and does not live quietly. It is also subject to couples, relatives, and adults, and children. During jealousy, a person makes stupidity, offends relatives, breaks the relationship. Is it possible to get rid of it? And if so, how?

Because jealousy is a feeling, it can be taken under control. Yes, there will be a lot of time for it, but if you constantly work on yourself, then you yourself will understand how to free yourself, do not torment yourself and loved ones. After all, many of us will easily remember cases when relations in a pair broke up precisely because of jealousy when one and partners simply could not stand the pressure from the other. Some even remember any note from the newspaper when irreparable in the family happened - the murder on the soil of jealousy. So how can I handle yourself or help solve a partner / child / parent problem?

If the problem arose in a pair, then there is only one way out here - learn to trust. After all, without trust it is impossible to build relationships! It is necessary to learn to conquer the partner, and not terrorize it with its suspicions, reproach, control. Agree, such pressure is very difficult to stand even in love with the most in love. Yes, and many people have a desire to do simply called what they are jealous to, so that at least in vain is constantly listening to the notations and reproaches.

Children are still those jealousies! They can be jealous of both their brothers and sisters, to other adults and even to the second parent. The most important object for jealousy is Mom. After all, it has been the main object of protection, confidence and calm, so it is quite difficult to share it with someone. Flashes of nervousness and even rage can cause even telephone conversations, because he now stopped being for Mom the center of attention. If the younger child appears, then jealousy is very difficult to avoid. In this case, you need to try to teach a child, first, independence, and, secondly, love for younger. If the kid can take at least to take himself (play, draw, watch a cartoon), Mom will have more free time. And to the emergence of a new member you need to cook in advance. If the moment is missed - nothing terrible. Attract the older child to care for younger, explain that he didn't just have a brother or sister, and also a friend with whom you can spend time. Also evaluate and your attitude: do you not bend a stick, do not you carefully started treating your child, do you limit his freedom to the advent of the baby? Try to find the time for him alone so that he does not feel deprived. For example, when you sleep younger. Or take it with you when the second remains with a grandmother or dad. Do not forget to say how much you love him.

Parents can also be jealous of their beloved Chado. Remember how sometimes it becomes a shame if the baby is happy to go to grandmothers and it does not want to leave them. Perhaps there is also your share of guilt. After all, grandmothers with him spend all the short time for which you sent a child to them. They play, walk and entertain, not leaving him for a minute. They make a lot from what it is impossible at home. Dont be upset! Your baby you still love you, just he needs a little more attention than you give him. And grandparents with grandparents do not want to replace you, parents. They are just so infrequently seen a child, so they try to give all their love in those short moments. That they are grandmothers and grandparents to indulge their grandchildren.

Jealousy is a bad feeling. And if it is impossible to cope with it yourself, then perhaps it makes sense to turn to a psychologist, so as not to spoil the lives and others.

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