How to cook fast beets

How to cook fast beets

Beets are a useful root plant for the body. The content in it useful components is equal to garlic and sea kale. To preserve the maximum number of these substances, it is necessary to correctly cook beets. If you take into account all the advice and recommendations, the fruit will become not only useful, but also tasty.

How to cook quickly beets on the plate in a saucepan

It's no secret that the smaller the fruit in size, the less they must be boiled. But larger beets of taste quality is much better than small fruits. Quickly cook vegetables, if you first cut it into pieces.

  • The traditional method of cooking beets is a cook in a saucepan. For uniform cooking fruits, select them the same size.

  • Leaves should be cut off. But at the same time, do not cut the beet tail. If you touch the fetal peel, then during cooking it will be released. It may worsen the taste of the finished product.

  • Rinse the fruits under running water from dirt residues.

  • Place the beets in the saucepan. Do not boil a lot of fruits at once. In the boiled form of beets is stored for long. Therefore, the beets for one portion.

  • Fill cold water in a saucepan. In this case, the fluid must completely cover the fruits. Please note that during cooking water will evaporate, and it is not recommended to pour it.

  • Add salt and sugar depending on taste preferences. So you can use any other spices and seasonings, such as a bay leaf or peas.

  • Put the container on the stove, turn on the fire to the maximum mode.

  • After boiling water, be sure to reduce fire to medium power.

Advice. To give beets of bright color, after water boils, add lemon juice or dining vinegar in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

  • Medium fruits are boiled up to 15 minutes. Large fruits will need more time. To check the booth's readiness, pour it with a knife or a skewer. The pulp of a fully welded product will be soft.

  • Finished vegetables put into separate containers and fill with cold water.

  • This will allow you to easily remove the skin. So you do not have to cut it.

  • Cooked fruits can be cut into any way depending on the dish recipe.

How to cook fast beets in a slow cooker

Multivarka greatly facilitates the process of cooking. It is also possible to boil vegetable, and, in several ways.

  • Prepared and washed fruits put into the Multicooker's bowl, fill with cold water, close the lid and select the cooking mode for 30 minutes.

  • So that the water quickly does not evaporate, leave the hole for steam closed. Product availability Check the bunch.

  • After the signal, open the multicooker and shift the beet to a separate container and fill with water.
  • If you prefer the dietary cooking of vegetables, then use a bar for a double boiler. Pour water into the bowl, install the container above and put the beets into it.

  • Close multicooker cover. Select the cooking feature "to a pair" and set the time of 40 minutes. After the signal, open the multicooker, check the booth availability. If necessary, then turn on the cook for another a few minutes.

  • If you also lower the vegetables in cold water, then you can clean the skin with your hands.

  • There is another way to very quickly prepare fruits in a slow cooker. To do this, first clean the beets from the skin.

  • Cut the vegetable on several pieces.

  • At the bottom of the Multivarka pour water and install the grid for the double boiler.

  • Then shift the beet, close the lid and select "Crop to a pair", set the function for 15 minutes.

How to cook fast beets in the microwave

If the two previous ways are not suitable, then use microwave to prepare beets. In addition, this is the fastest way of cooking beets entirely.

  • Peel vegetables, cut the tops and clearly clean from pollution. You can also cut large fruits in half.

  • Put the product in sleeve for baking or package. Place it in the dishes for cooking in the microwave. Or put vegetables immediately into the plate and cover the food film.

Important! At the package or film, be sure to make several holes so that steam can freely go out during cooking.

  • Set the maximum power on the microwave and set the time to 10 minutes. Click "Start".

  • After the signal, check the readiness of the fruit. Then either get them out of the furnace, or continue to cook.

How to cook fast beets in the oven

A more delicate taste is obtained by baked vegetables. Bake in the oven can also beet.

  • Fruits do trust and rinse from sand. Give moisture stroke or dry vegetables with paper towels.

  • Prepared beets Wrap in Foil. Make two foil layers so that the juice does not come out during baking.

  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees and put the beets to prepare for 30 minutes. Then open the foil and give vegetables to completely cool.

  • You can remove the skin with your napkins. But you first wet the fruit.

  • You can quickly prepare beets in different ways, so choose the most suitable option for yourself. Bon Appetit!

A few more secrets of tasty beet cooking, see the video:

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