How to make dough for cupcakes?

How to make dough for cupcakes?

An ordinary cupcake, if to approach its baking creatively, completely replaced with an exquisite cake. In a simple cake dough, you can add a couple of unusual ingredients, and then baking something else to decorate originally - the result will be amazed. Delicious, elegant, fragrant - it is time to call guests or go with a homemade masterpiece.

Secrets of delicious cupcake

This baking resembles a biscuit, but it is more fragrant and as if wet dough. The fragrance is achieved due to the presence of spices, and the humidity is due to the presence in the test of a large number of drums: butter, eggs, milk, sour cream, etc.

  • Eggs, sour cream, butter, milk and other similar ingredients take only the freshest and room temperature.
  • Flour is predefined. A little flour, such as the fifth or sixth part of it, can replace the potato starch - it will make the dough more air.
  • Spices in the form of a cardamon, nutmeg, carnations be sure to put a couple of seconds in the microwave - so they will become much fragrant.
  • Nuts, raisins, Cuccats before adding them to the dough, hold the floor in a brandy or good vodka. Alcohol will give them an unusual spicy taste.
  • For the more delicate structure of the finished baking, the whole eggs can only be replaced with yolks, but so that their total mass corresponds to the declared recipe.
  • Baking forms Use high so that the cupcake is also high. Before the test, the dough, sides and the bottom, smear the melted butter and sprinkle with crumbs, or flour or even crushed into crumb nuts.
  • Becacus in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for one hour. At the same time, do not open the door so that the risen the dough does not fall out.
  • Get ready to cool right in the oven, but already in the turned off and open.
  • Cupcake, after removing it from the form, hold a couple of hours on the grille for its complete cooling. Next, wrap it in the food film and let out of eight to 48 hours. The longer the cupcake will be in the film, the more humid it will become.
  • Ripened cupcake decorate any icing or sprout with sugar powder.
  • Before decorating, you can impregnate baking with sugar syrup with the addition of a skate, a liqueur or other fragrant drink in it.

Dough for the simplest homemade cake

Basic recipe, which you can optionally add nuts, raisins and spices:

  1. 350 g of butter, a half of a glass of sugar sand and vanillina bag. Range in a bowl to a white fluffy state.
  2. 6 pieces of medium eggs one by one to drive into the oil mass, each time it is well stirring to uniformity.
  3. 3 Wheat flour cups mix with a quarter of a teaspoon of soda and enter them into the egg-oil base.
  4. As a filler, take half a glass of raisin and a glass of walnuts.

Dough for metropolitan cupcake with raisins

Heavy, wet, amazingly beautiful on the context - all this about the metropolitan cupcake, which was previously sold in any store. Today, this classic cupcake can be found in fashionable confectionery, and you can bake my home yourself. You will need:

  • Butter cream - 340 g;
  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Dark raisins without seeds - 340 g;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs (4 whole and 2 yolks);
  • Salt - 1 chip;
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp.;
  • Bakery powder - 1/2 C.L.

Recipe for this test:

  1. Soft oil take up to Bela for five minutes, and then praise all sugar into it in small portions. When adding sugar, the oil is also whipped so that sugar time to dissolve.
  2. All eggs and separate yolks break the fork in the bowl and pour cognac to them. Here add and salt.
  3. In the oil-sugar mass, enter all the eggs with a skate. After each entered portion, the mass break the blender to the puff. Ideally, you should get a white air cream, in which there will be no sacrament grazing at all.
  4. Raisin, hold five minutes in boiling water, and then dry it on the towel. Complete the raisins with two tablespoons of flour, which separated from the total mass required for this recipe. The sprinkling of raisins of flour is necessary so that it is evenly distributed over the test, and did not fall during baking on the bottom of the form.
  5. Enter the remaining flour into a mass of oil, eggs and sugar and mix the shovel.
  6. In the resulting dough, put the whole raisin, which you already lies, sprinkled with flour. Mix everything again.

Dough for lemon cupcs

From the lemon cupcas will not be refused by any sitting at the table, it is so fragrant and fresh.

  1. 100 soft butter and 100 g of powdered sugar sweat to pomp. Add a bag of vanilla sugar to them.
  2. One egg is mixed with a plug with a juice of one lemon and removed from this citrus sister. Lemon Before this, hide with boiling water to activate the flavor.
  3. Egg in a sweet oil mass. Mix the whisk.
  4. 250 ml of fatty milk pour the dough and mix again.
  5. A half cup of top grade flour mix with a teaspoon of a dough baking powder and enter the base.
  6. For greater lemon aroma, put the guest of the candle of citades from lemon crusts in the dough.

Dough for steam chocolate cupcox

This cupcake is a find for chocolate lovers. This dessert is preparing a rather unusual way, but it is necessary to try it.

  1. 300 g of dark chocolate of good quality and 200 g of butter Put in one bowl and melt them on a hot water bath.
  2. 5 pieces of large eggs and 200 g of sugar sand or powder with a mixer to puff.
  3. Mix two prepared masses and put in them all a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour. Stir.
  4. The shape for the cupcake lubricate the melted oil and generously sprinkle it with cocoa powder.
  5. Pour the dough into the shape and cover it with foil.
  6. Put the form on the sheet to which pour water in advance. Waters should be so much that it reached the middle of the cupcake form.
  7. Put the sheet in a hot oven (175 degrees) and prepare the cupcake of 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  8. Give steam chocolate cupcake to cool in the form, and then remove it on the dish. Pour the dessert of melted black chocolate.

Dough for economical cupcake

If there is no cream oil in the house, you can bake the cupcake and vegetable oil.

  1. 3 Eggs Wake into the bowl of the mixer and put 1 cup of sugar to them. Beat to Bela.
  2. To the mass, pour 1 cup of kefir and the floor of a glass of vegetable oil, but necessarily odorless. Stir.
  3. Two glasses of flour mix with a bundle pack for dough. Enter the flour into the prepared mass.
  4. Dough Move the raisins, nuts, candied. You can also put any ground spices.

And in this video you will see how to make dough for cupcake on sour cream.

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