How to make ice cream from cream?

How to make ice cream from cream?

The taste of this ice cream every familiar from childhood. At present, the cold dessert producers add different taste amplifiers, harmful food additives, dyes, etc. Such ice cream can only harm your health. So why can not cook tasty and useful delicacy at home? In our article you will find the simplest recipes of ice cream, which will master even a beginner hostess.

Recipe berry home ice cream

For the preparation of dessert on this recipe, the use of special molds for ice cream will not need.

Required ingredients:

  • cream (fatness of at least 35%);
  • strawberry - 15 pcs. medium size;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.

Time to prepare ingredients - 15 min; The total time of frosting ice cream is 3-4 hours.

  • 1 step - cool cream well (if you purchased cream in a thermal package, then they must be poured into the glass container and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes);
  • 2 step - strawberry rinse and clean, flush with sugar with a blender;
  • 3 step - the cream is well scrambled, it is necessary to place the mixer crown and the container in which they will be taken, in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  • 4 step - in the cold capacitance to pour well-cooled cream, add vanilla sugar and start hit by a mixer, starting with small revolutions and gradually increase the speed (but not to bring the maximum mode);
  • 5 step - beat, while cream does not turn into an air mass;
  • 6 step - in whipped cream add strawberry puree, gently mix with silicone spatula (it is not recommended to use metal spoons during stirring);
  • 7 step is the future ice cream to send to the freezer (it is better to freeze in glass tanks) for 3-4 hours;
  • 8 step - with a spoon for ice cream take the required amount of dessert and decorate with fresh mint leaves.

You can add any berries and even make a mix of them.

Sweet homemade ice cream

This dessert will necessarily have to taste sweet tooths. It does not require a large number of ingredients and too much time cooking. The chief assistant is a mixer, as it is almost impossible to beat the cream manually before the formation of air mass.

Required ingredients:

  • well cooled cream (fatness of at least 33%) - 200 ml;
  • condensed milk (you can pre-cook or buy ready-made "iris") - 150 ml.;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g.

All the dishes that you will use to whip the cream must be cooled in the refrigerator 10-15 minutes. It is important that all the containers are dry.

  • 1 step - to connect liquid cream with vanilla sugar (starting to beat up to the formation of light air mass, if you beat for a very long time and at high power, then you will get oil);
  • 2 step - as soon as the cream began slightly thick, in small portions we pour a condensed milk (the mixer during this process should continue to work);
  • 3 step - when the resulting mass began to keep the shape, it became thick, but with the air, stop the mixer;
  • 4 Step - Put the future ice cream in a plastic container or glass dishes with a dense cover, send to the freezer.

After 3 hours, you will enjoy the unique taste of home dessert.

Coffee homemade ice cream

This dessert is called "Royal", since his taste is incredibly exquisite and true gourmets will appreciate it.

Required ingredients:

  • liquid cream - 0.5 l.;
  • chicken chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - 100 g;
  • black coffee soluble - 1 tbsp.;

Of this number of ingredients, 0.5-0.7 kg is obtained. Home ice cream.

  • 1 stage - all ingredients (except coffee) cool, very carefully separate egg proteins from yolks;
  • 2 Stages - Yolks connect with sugar and beat, until sugar is dissolved;
  • 3 Stages - proteins are whipped separately before receiving a homogeneous white mass;
  • 4 Stage - Creams are also whipped with a mixer;
  • 5 Stage - all whipped ingredients connect in deep containers, add coffee and mix manually;
  • The 6th stage - we send the resulting mass with a brown tinge to the freezer for 6-8 hours.

Experiment with taste additives, you can add sweet seasonings, any berries and fruits to ice cream.

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