How to beat cream

How to beat cream

Not every hostess knows how to beat the cream correctly, so that it turned out a gentle lot. Many tried and they did not work. It seems to be done right, and the result turned out to be unpredictable - instead of the tender lush mass it turned out ordinary oil!

How to beat cream. Tips hostess

Cream during whipping is smeared, often it turns out that instead of a delicate cream, oil is formed.

To not repeat errors, we advise you to study these recommendations:

  • The dairy product should be high with a high fat content - no less than 33%. Therefore, choose the fattest cream - the cream will turn out lush. It is possible to beat the product with a low percentage of fatty, but with additional ingredients (these are thickeners, gelatin, protein). Fatty, homemade cream is desirable to dilute (with water or milk). For 1 cup of cream, add 100 ml of water or milk. Buying a product in the store, pay attention to the information specified on the package: If the cream of animal origin, then such a product must be hit for a long time if vegetable (palm oil, stabilizers, etc.), then beat the cream will turn out faster.
  • The main product, as well as all the dishes that you will use in work, you need to cool. You can put everything in a refrigerator for 15 minutes. Some hostesses send cream to the freezer for 5 minutes to quickly cool the product. Consider if the cream is frozen, then the product will flashed and the oil will turn out. You can beat the cream in the container, which is put in a larger container with crushed ice.
  • If the chief assistant in this case - the mixer, in the first 1-2 minutes whisking mass needed at low speeds, and then gently lift the lever, adding momentum. Then turns and gradually reduced and so you need to do throughout the whipping process. Drive mixer blades in a circle in a bowl is not necessary, the cream themselves will circulate in a random order.
  • Time for beating: stands for 5 to 10 minutes, as you need to consider a way of beating product. If the mixer, then 5 minutes is enough, if the hand whisk, then whisk you need at least 10 minutes. Blender whipped cream is not!
  • Sugar and gelatin does not need to add in the first minutes of beating, and almost at the end. The gelatin should be diluted so that it swelled, the pellets must be completely dissolved. If the gelatinous mass was heated, it is necessary to wait until it cools down completely. Good help whip cream citric acid or lemon juice. 200 ml cream 1/4 needed lemon juice.
  • Special thickener for cream may be purchased (as part of the powdered sugar and a little starch). 250 ml of cream sufficient package 1 (8 g). Whipping, as usual, and then enter a thickener, whip a few minutes and leave for 3-5 minutes (if the mass and thickens).
  • The remaining additives: sugar or powdered sugar? Of course, faster whip cream with powdered sugar. Just before you are thinking of adding powder, it is necessary to sift through a fine strainer to avoid lumps.

How to whip cream

Prepare all necessary: \u200b\u200bcream of 33% (glass), powdered sugar (30 g), vanilla powder (pinch).

How to whip the cream:

  • the cream must be cooled before using the product need a good shake;
  • whipping prepare narrow bowl with high sides. Approach and broad capacity, but will have to tilt it while working to the blades are fully immersed in the mass;
  • 1 times can be whipped not more than 300 ml cream, large amounts it is better not to shake up and be divided into several portions;
  • immersing into the cream blade mixer, turn the instrument to small momentum necessary for 1-2 minutes whipping at low speed, then gradually increasing the speed to a maximum and also reducing smooth;
  • after 3 minutes enter sifted confectioners' sugar, vanilla and continue beating;
  • how to understand who is it time to stop? If during the beating you found that the circulation of content in the bowl decreased, and the cream turned into a magnificent mass, which retains the form well and does not spread, it means that it is time to stop. If you lose this moment, the cream will turn into the oil. 33% fatty product is whipped from 4 to 6 minutes, 38% fat - no more than 2 minutes;
  • what should I do if the cream did not get up to the desired consistency, and the mass is about to turn into the oil? It is necessary to simply add a little new portion of cream (liquid), the mass must be neatly mixed by a wedge manually;
  • at the end of the whipping, the mixer cannot be drastically turned off, it is necessary to gradually reduce the speed, thus reducing the speed of rotation of the blades.

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