How to make carrots in Korean

How to make carrots in Korean

Korean carrots have long become a favorite salad to many dishes. Just not everyone knows that in Korea, a similar snack is made from cabbage, which does not grow with us. We replaced it for carrots, but the taste is as close as possible to the original thanks to the spices.

Right Korean Carrot Recipe

For the preparation of carrots in Korean, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 3 medium-sized carrots;
  • 2-3 small cloves of garlic;
  • 80 ml of plant oil of sunflower or soybean;
  • 1/2 h l Ground Coriander and as many paprika;
  • 1/2 h l Ground red pepper;
  • salt, black pepper ground, vinegar - to taste.

Korean carrots stages:

  • Take carrots, clean and dried by a towel. We cut subtle films, then thin stripes. Also, carrots can be chopped with a special grater.

  • Garlic does not turn into Cashitz, and in finely cut with a knife and mix with chopped carrots to make carrots softer, put it in the oven or a double boiler for 10-12 minutes.
  • Heat vegetable oil so that it is warm. We pour oil into a steady carrot, add spices and mix thoroughly.

  • The resulting salad put under the gnnet, we remove it into the refrigerator for 10 hours. This action will allow carrots to better absorb the oil and aroma of spices.

This recipe excludes only one ingredient - glutamate sodium. It is this seasoning that the desire is a salad in large quantities. If you want to get a real Korean salad, how to prevent it in the market, you can add it.

Sodium glutamate is not the most harmful additive, it is an amino acid, stimulating taste receptors and it is actively used in the preparation of various dishes in Asia. Habitating glutamate does not cause harm it is possible only when consumed in large quantities.

Alternative recipe for carrots in Korean

Korean recipes in Korean, so consider one more, we will need:

  • 1 kg grated carrots;
  • 3 ST L Sugar Sand;
  • 1 hl salts;
  • 2 h l Ground Coriander;
  • 3 stl vinegar;
  • 1 hour spoon of red pepper;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • garlic - to taste.

Oil warming up and add to carrots with spices, mix everything and put in the fridge for the night. The same recipe is suitable for cooking from cabbage or beet.

Whatever the recipe either chose, it will still work out delicious and useful.

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