How to make teriyaki sauce

How to make teriyaki sauce

Japanese cuisine is known worldwide with its original taste and restraint. Among rolls, miso-soups and noodles, the honorable place occupies the teriabi sauce, which is considered a separate dish. It is used when preparing many products, the surface of which after processing acquires lacquered shine. It can be bought in the store, but especially delicious sauce is obtained at home cooking.

How to make teriyaki sauce - what it is and composition

  • The dish is a thick syrup with a dark tint, but much brighter than soy sauce. It has a sweet-salt taste that comes ready-made spicy dish.
  • There are two types of product. One is used as a marinade, as a result of which the dish acquires an interesting taste, but only on the surface. If the product becomes with him for a longer time, then it can make a soft even tougher meat.
  • The second type of sauce is added during frying or extinguishing. In this case, the product fully applies to them and acquires the original taste. At the same time, each piece in the dish will become a glossy.
  • A classic recipe involves the use of rice vodka. But in modern dishes is often added soy sauce, ginger, honey and dried garlic.
  • Separately, you can meet a spice mix for the preparation of the teriyaki sauce, the basis of which soy sauce can act.
  • For home recipe, the dish is best added brown sugar. In addition to color, it is useful, has a spicy taste and not so sweet. But you can use conventional sugar, but only in smaller quantities.
  • The sauce can contain in its composition in addition to wine vinegar. White wine, orange juice, sesame, fish sauce, olive oil.
  • The recipes of the teriyaki sauce there are several, so choose it depending on the intended product processing and its type.
  • With sauce not only marinate and fry, but also use it as an addition to the dish. It is great for pasta and noodles, seafood, salads.
  • Especially valuable sauce for the preparation of products on the fire. It makes meat fibers softer, taste saturated, and smell fragrant.

How to make teriyaki sauce - Traditional recipe

The basis of such a dish is the soy sauce. Prepare it at home easy. Prepare such products:

  • soy sauce - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rice Wine - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • ground ginger - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh garlic - 1 slices.

Advice. Instead of rice wine you can add white, but only dry wine. Do not use salt in this recipe, since the soy sauce itself is salty.


  • Clean the garlic and finely chop or grind in garlic. Use only fresh garlic. In this method, the preparation of the dried spice will not give the necessary taste.
  • Liquid components of sauce mix together (soy sauce and wine). Put into the saucepan and put on a weak fire.
  • When the mixture is warmed, add honey. Constantly stir the liquid until honey is dissolved.
  • Then pour the ginger and in a couple of seconds - garlic. Mix the mixture and warm up for another 2-3 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.
  • Cool the sauce and add it to any dishes as an additional ingredient or refueling.

How to make teriyaki sauce with oranges

Citrus taste will give the dish freshness and pleasant sourness. Therefore, such fruits are often added to the sauce.

You will need products and spices:

  • juice 2 oranges;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml.;
  • ginger root - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame oil - 2 h.;
  • leek Shalot - 100 gr.;
  • fresh garlic - 2 slices;
  • seed seeds - 2 h.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.


  • Prepare ingredients. Clean the garlic and grind the way convenient for you. Green onions are very fine. The root of the ginger must be cleaned and soda on the grater. From oranges to squeeze juice.
  • To give sesame of an interesting taste, faint it slightly on the creamy oil.
  • In the tank slightly warm the soy sauce, add honey and warm the mixture to its full dissolution. Pour sesame oil.
  • Then add orange juice and prepared spices with greens. Mix the sauce well, warm for a couple more minutes and remove from the stove.

Important! During the preparation of the sauce, do not allow its boiling, otherwise the taste will deteriorate, and the useful properties of the components will become useless.

  • This dish recipe is intended for marination and frying. Excellent it is suitable for pork and chicken fillet.

How to make teriyaki sauce - tricks and recommendations

  • Do not immediately make a lot of sauce. Since it contains many raw components, it does not have a long storage period.
  • If you have a product remained, then keep it in a tightly closed container and a cool place, for example, a refrigerator.
  • So that the meat is evenly manered and acquired the taste of the sauce, make some shallow cuts on it.
  • When cooking dishes with this product, salt it last time, but before that always taste. Since the composition has a soy sauce, and there is a risk of redund the dish.

If you know the main components and cooking technology, then make the teriyaki sauce at home simply.

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