Cooking kvass from oats is very simple, and for those who did not know about the type of kvass, we will tell everything in detail today. So, how to cook such a kvass and what you need to know in principle about this process, find out right now.
Properties kvass
To begin with, I would like to note that oat kvass will not only help you remove thirst on a hot day, but also bring your body a lot of use, because it contains useful substances.
It is clear that in the finished form Kvass can be purchased in any, even a small grocery store, but immediately the question arises - whether you know what it is made and how much all the ingredients entering it are safe. In any case, the kvass from oats prepared with their own hands is delicious, useful and that is no less important, inexpensive.
There is a belief that says that the one who drinks oatmeal can constantly be healthy, strong and young. Is it really you have to find out, but before that with your own hands to cook the drink under consideration. The cooking process is completely simple, so there should be no difficulties here.
This drink will be useful for many:
- people suffering from diabetes
- young children whose immunity is reduced
- elderly people who are so easily succumbed to every infections and viruses
In the reference, the following components - proteins, organic acid acids, starch, and vitamins B5, B1, A and K. It should also be noted that active biological substances that have favorably affect human health. Among other things, it is useful to use it to people who want to get rid of excess weights, because as part of such kvass contain substances that lead to oxidation of fats.
No restrictions on the age of age in the use of this drink, it can also drink children, and adults, and elderly. It is impossible to note that the taste of oatmeal is quite peculiar, so not everyone can call it delicious. You can cope with this difficulty without any problems, simply adding honey there. Dried fruits or some spices. Such additives you only strengthen the level of utility of the drink under consideration.
Cooking beverage from oats
Due to the fact that the recipe of the drink under consideration is very simple, you can cook it without any help. Would you be able to make your culinary skills. There are no rare ingredients in this recipe, so running in different stores in search of something expensive and rare do not have to. Oats, which is perfect for the preparation of the drink under consideration, can be bought in any supermarket or on the outlet on the market.
Required ingredients for the preparation of kvass from oats:
- oats - 0.5 kg
- water - 3.5 l
- sugar - 7 tbsp.
- march or thin rag
- bank for 3 liters of glass
The method of cooking the drink under consideration is as follows:
- Prepare kvass We will be in a glass of glass. First, we embarked in it half the sugar prepared before, Oats, after which we pour water into the bank.
- We grind the neck of the glass vessel gauze and in this form you need to leave our goal for two, three days.
- A few days later, foam is formed on the surface of our prepared beverage, and it is at this moment that it will be necessary to drain the solder.
- Now it is necessary to pour fresh water grain of oatmeal, which managed to swell in a few days.
- The following in the bank should go sugar sand, after adding it all the ingredients are very well mixed and left in such a form by 12-16 hours.
After the specified time, the drink can be considered ready, which means it can be consumed and treat them home.
Some say that before starting to use it, it is necessary to start cooling the drink. Even in order to give a special collapse of kvaas from oats, it is possible to add a little raisin, kuragi, cranberries or a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It all has already depends on taste preferences.
Despite the fact that the drink under consideration is useful, like all other products, has its own contraindications that everyone needs to know who decided to include kvass from oats in their diet:
- If you are a person suffering from digestive disorders, including chronic gastritis, especially if there is an ulcer of the stomach inside you. This drink will provoke an increase in pain inside the body, so you should not neglect this recommendation.
- If you are not all right with the liver, it is not desirable to use this drink very often, no one in this case prohibits it to use it, just the regularity of use can adversely affect human health and his liver.
- If you suffer from diseases such as enteritis, gout, colitis, you definitely should not even try to try the oatmeal in question. Here is a contraindication of strict and not amenable to any consideration.
If you do not have any of the above deviations, then you can with a calm soul enjoy the drink in question and getting great benefits from this process.
If you want to reset the extra kilograms, then the regular use of kvass from oats will help you in this, and believe me, the result will not wait a long time and very soon kilograms will begin to melting in your eyes, and you will come in a great shape.