How to make kvass from bread at home without yeast?

How to make kvass from bread at home without yeast?

Probably, the cucumbers grow on plantation on plantation, because this vegetable is delicious, and it is not so difficult to grow as some other cultures. Often, cucumbers are grown in greenhouse conditions, because the culture under consideration needs moisture and warmth. Often, the germs of cucumbers begin to turn yellow, let's find out today, for what reason it can happen.

Cooking nuances and correct recipe

There is nothing more pleasant than the summer sultry day than kvass cups. If you want to thicken thirst for this wonderful drink, you will need to cook it. Immediately, we note that it is impossible to call the complicated preparation of this drink, but still, there are some nuances that one who decides to prepare the drink under consideration should know.

Some do not really like to use yeast in the preparation of something, so here, this article will be very interesting for such people. Let's consider the preparation method of the freezing kvass.

So, let's start our consideration with a fairly simple recipe, where you do not need a large number of components. The kit for cooking kvass looks like this:

  • Rye bread - 290 g
  • Water warm - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar Sand - 2 tablespoons

Prepare delicious kvass without yeast

After we found out which ingredients we need to prepare a drink, we turn directly to the phased instructions for its preparation:

  • First you need to grind rye bread. In a recipe, it is not for nothing that this kind of bread is specified, because it is from him the most delicious drink. You choose the grinding method yourself - this can be done both with the help of a knife and with the help of hands.
  • The crushed product must be put in a glass jar. For the purposes under consideration, one and a half liter packaging is perfect. In such a jar, the layer of crushed bread will be approximately centimeters 5-7.
  • Bread with sugar sand and all this pour heated (not cold) water. It is worth noting that the water level in the bank should be so that it takes the banks to the bottom edge.
  • Now it's time to cover the can with a lid, preferably glass. In this case, it is better not to use a kapron lid, because it does not breathe through it. We leave on the closure of the day at 3-4, in the room it should not be cold cold, that is, the room temperature will be the ideal option in this case.

It happens that the first kvass is not perfect, and if you also happen, you should not pour it out, it will be possible to apply it for a different kind of baking, so it's not worth it too much.

When you share through the specified period of time, the kvass will remain thick on the bottom of the glass container, 6 cm thick. After that, we put a small piece of bread on this thick and filling with flowing warm water. You need to leave such a cold for 24 hours, after that you can use kvass.

Kvass recipe with raisins

So, now it's time to talk about the preparation of delicious nutrition, which in addition to wonderful taste has also a property and does not affect the figure, because it has a low calorie content - it is kvass with raisins. Such a drink can be used to prepare the dough and other culinary masterpieces, also suitable for drinking.

So, prepare the ingredients:

  • water boiled
  • rye flour
  • raisins - 10 pcs
  • sugar - 6 teaspoons

Preparation of stages:

  • First you need to prepare a mixture by connecting flour and water. Please note that it should turn out the type of sour cream sufficiently thick. Such a mixture should turn out at least half a liter.
  • It's time to put raisins and sugar. It is not necessary to mix anything - we leave it all for a couple of days. It is worth noting to note that this time should be enough for the fermentation process. If this did not happen, then you did something wrong.
  • After three days have passed, you need to add 4 teaspoons of rye flour, after which we pour the whole mixture with three liters of ordinary warm water.
  • In order for kvass to prepare, you must leave the mixture for another 4-6 days. As soon as the specified period is held, you can decline kvass, separating it from the sediment. It is not worth pouring thick, it can be used for the next kvass.

Excellent kvass recipe from beets and bread

For those who like to experiment, you can try to prepare kvass from beet. This drink is useful, tasty and cooling. We will deal with the ingredients:

  • beets - 1 large vegetable
  • water boiled, cold
  • sugar sand - 5 tablespoons
  • a small piece of bread (preferably rye)

Preparing delicious and unusual kvass:

  • My beet and purify from the peel, cutting it into cubes (on very small).
  • We lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetable into a three-liter glass jar (it is necessary to use the glass container is a prerequisite for the preparation of any kvass, no plastic bottles).
  • It's time to add bread and sugar sand to the same jar (you can also use conventional sugar).
  • We fill it all with warm water and leave for 3 days in a warm place. After the specified period, you fix the drink and can use it for your own purposes.

As it became clear from the above information, it is not difficult to prepare at home at home, so you can try to cook a delicious, cooling drink, which will have to taste without exception.

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