Apple vinegar, cooked with his own hands, can become a natural component of many dishes and home cosmetics. Moreover, prepare this product yourself, you can always be confident in its naturalness and quality.
Recipe for cooking apple vinegar without yeast
The basic algorithm for obtaining a home apple vinegar involves the use of a minimum set of ingredients.
You will need:
- 1 kg of sweet ripe apples (the sweetest variety you choose, the easier the acetic acid is formed).
- 50 g of sugar (if apples are not sweet enough, take 100 g of sugar).
Preparation steps:
- Apples Wash and soda on the grater.
- Crushed mass Place in enameled or glassware.
- Add hot (60 ° C) water. The liquid should not only cover the apple mass, but also to perform on it by 2-3 cm.
- Next, bring sugar, and mix the ingredients.
- Capacity cover with a kitchen towel or a napkin and send in a dark place for 2 weeks. Optimal temperature mode - 25-27 ° C. Do not forget to intermittently mix the composition (exceptionally wooden spoon). So you warn the formation of a crust on the surface of the mass.
- After the specified time, the composition resolute through the gauze and burst into glass jars with a wide throat. The hole is covered with gauze, which is fixed with a rubber band, and leave the mass of "wander" for another 2 weeks.
Over time, you will notice that the liquid in banks began to be brightened, and after and at all became transparent. This fact suggests that the fermentation process is completed. Profiltrate again ready apple vinegar. Now you can pour the product on the bottle and cover the tight lid.
The vinegar is stored in a dry cool place.
Apple vinegar cooking recipe with honey
No less interesting vinegar is obtained by using honey and black bread.
Prepare ingredients:
- 1.5 kg of apples.
- 50-60 g of black rye bread.
- 150 g of natural honey.
Stages of cooking vinegar:
- Apples Wash and soda on a large grater (peel and core can not be deleted).
- Place the mass in the enameled dishes and fill 2 liters of cold boiled water.
- Next, make bread and honey into the container. The saucepan is covered with a napkin and send to warm (the temperature should not be more than 30 ° C) and a dark place for 10-12 days. Usually this time is enough to begin the fermentation process.
- Next, the mass is filled with and leave (under gauze) "reach" another month.
- The finished product is spilled on the bottle and tightly clogged.
Apple vinegar cooking recipe with yeast
For home vinegar from apples, prepare:
- 1 kg of apples.
- 10 g (bag) dry yeast.
- 150-200 g of sugar (depending on the sweetness of apples).
- 1 l of water.
Stages of obtaining vinegar:
- Apples wash and grind (on the grater). Place the composition in the jar or enamel pan.
- To the resulting mass add yeast, sugar and water. Stir the ingredients.
- Capacity cover with a napkin and send to heat, avoiding sunlight hit, for 7-10 days.
- After that, the composition should be strain and again send to heat (covering gauze) per month and a half.
- Ready vinegar spill on banks and close a dense lid.
A characteristic indicator of the product readiness is its appearance. As soon as the fluid has become transparent - the vinegar is ready.
Application of home apple vinegar
This product is widely used not only in cooking, but also home medicine.
- The remedy helps with skin rash, the appearance of irritation areas. Mix the vinegar with a cotton disk and wipe the disturbing areas of the dermis.
- The product is also used for weight loss.
- Using vinegar helps to improve the condition of the nails, get rid of the fungus on them.
- Adding a product during the massage has an additional stimulating effect - the blood circulation is improved, the tone of the dermis increases.