How to make a plum-based liquor at home?

How to make a plum-based liquor at home?

Domestic plumming has a unique, exquisite taste. Such a drink will produce a real extension on the festive table, and the praise wishes will sound addressed to his manufacturer. In our article, we have gathered the most popular recipes of a homely tincture of the drain, with the preparation of which even novice winemakers will cope.


The process of making emphasis, which will prepare for this recipe, completely simple and does not require special attention. The main assistant will be a cognac, which acts as a fixer of the Fortress of the drink.

Required ingredients:

  • plum berries (with a bone or without) - 2 kg;
  • cognac (minimum 4 stars, a fortress of 40%) - 700 ml;
  • sugar sand - 0.7 kg.

Before starting the manufacturer, thoroughly bite the berries. Plums should not be rotten, damaged, deformed beetles. Choose only ripe plums.

  • 1 step - plums Soak in cold water for 20-30 minutes, rinse thoroughly and move, if there is a desire and time, you can remove bones;
  • 2 step - to prepare a glass 3-liter bank, shifting the berries into it and pour cognac (all berries should be fully covered with a noble drink);
  • 3 Step - a jar of closed in a towel from the penetration of sunlight and remove the place in the inaccessible place for 1.5 months;
  • 4 step - every 5-7 days to get to the jar and her threshold to shake it so that the sediment rose;
  • 5 step - at the end of 1.5 months, get the bank, through the gauze to drain brandy in a bottle and remove into a dark place;
  • 6 Step - leaving plums leave in the bank, fall asleep sugar (we begin the process of manufacturing a plum syrup);
  • 7 step - a jar with plums and sugar close the caproic lid, remove into a warm place without drafts and direct sunlight for 2 weeks (every two days the bank must be a bit shake a little);
  • 8 step - to carry out double filtering of the finished plum syrup and combine it with brandy;
  • 9 Step - a bottle of young plum-based liquor to remove into the fridge or basement (as desired, to withstand homemade pouring 2-3 months).

At the request of cognac can be replaced with vodka or homemade moonshine.

Classic recipe for packing plum

If you are a supporter of conservative ways to make domestic bulk and wines, then read the classic cream recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • plum berries (no seeds) - 5 kg.;
  • sugar sand - 2.5 kg.
  • water filtered - 0.8 l.;
  • orange zest - 3-4 crusts.

Before the start of the manufacturer, prepare the container. Glass bottles must be flushed and sterilization of steam.

  • 1 step - berries Clear bones (it is recommended to do this in a wide pelvis to preserve the plum juice);
  • 2 step - to move the plum into the bottle, fall asleep with sugar and add water, to shakerate the container;
  • 3 step - to put on a medical rubber glove on a bottle, having previously done on one of the "fingers" a small hole;
  • 4 step - the container to remove into a warm place (in the cold season - near the battery), a few days will begin the fermentation process;
  • 5 step - as soon as the glove falls (the exact time is not specified, approximately 30-50 days), to carry out double beverage filtering (it is recommended to use a gauze or a silicone tube with a small diameter);
  • 6 Step - Spend a tasting of the young liquor, optionally you can add sugar or increase the drink strength by adding vodka;
  • 7 Step - Syllyan Pour bottles with dark glass, adding to each bottle of 2 peels of dried orange;
  • 8 step - a container with a drink to the basement or put on the refrigerator door for 2-3 months.

Many spices, such as cinnamon, vanillin, fascinated ginger, are combined with a plum, cinnamon, vanillin, damned ginger, and they can be added to taste during the exposure of the young drink. Now you can create exactly the product that you yourself wish.

Also, an excellent cream is obtained from dried drains - prunes. Remember that excessive use of alcohol can harm your health.

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