Wine from Ryabina at home

Wine from Ryabina at home

Many do not even suspect that there is such wine. He will not meet on the shelves in the supermarket. But the experienced winemakers not only fell in love with this drink for a pleasant, unique taste, but also for its useful properties.

The benefits of rowan wine

From the wines of wine from Ryabina, you will satisfy your body with vitamins, stop becoming frequent colds and you can prevent premature aging. In addition, rowan wine has such useful properties:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • regulates the work of the digestive system;
  • helps to reduce body weight;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • contributes to the proper work of the thyroid gland;
  • displays excess liquid from the body;
  • removes swelling of legs and hands;
  • removes heavy metals from the body;
  • normalizes the work of the nervous system (improves the mood, reduces the risk of neurosis).

Preparation of containers and ingredients

Ryabinova, like any other homemade wine, requires cleanliness of containers and carefully recycled berries. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory sterilization of the container where the wine will be wound. Special attention is paid to berries:

  • it is recommended to use rowan, which was collected after the first frosts;
  • if the berries were assembled not in the season, they need to be frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator;
  • ryabin is carefully moved (the use of rotten berries will lead to a unpleasant taste of wine);
  • berries must be put into hand to the formation of juice (you can also use a meat grinder).

We make wine

The process of winemaking is incredibly interesting and exciting. Especially this process is fond of men. If you cook the wine from the rowan in our recipe, the laudatory feedback from the tastors cannot be avoided.

Required ingredients:

  • rowan berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 2 l.;
  • small handful of blue, unwashed grapes.

Now proceed to cooking wine. The process is slightly different from the preparation of homemade vine, but completely simple.

  • 1 stage - boil the water and pour one-piece berries for 30 minutes, after half an hour, repeat the procedure;
  • 2 stage - drain the water, wait until the berries are cooled and start them to put them with hands or with a wooden rolling pin;
  • 3 Stage - Mall Move Pleashed Berries and squeeze excess liquid;
  • 4 Stage - Pour the hot water squeezed with hot water (but not boiling water!);
  • 5 Stage - When the water cools up to room temperature, add fresh unwashed grapes (to increase fermentation), 500 shares, the surface of the tank is covered with a thick layer of gauze;
  • 6 stage - Move the container in the dark, but warm place;
  • 7 stage - after the wise began to hiss and foam (most often in the first day), start it to interfere every day, preferably at the same time, for four days;
  • 8 Stage - ready to skip through the gauze, the filtered liquid is pouring into the prepared container for fermentation, add 500 sachara, put a medical glove on a bottle (on one "finger" make a hole with a needle), remove the capacity in the dark place;
  • 9 Stage - as soon as fermentation ended (the bottle glove falls), profile the wine through a thin tube and taste it into sweetness and the fortress (the fortress can be increased due to the addition of vodka or alcohol);
  • 10 Stage - ready-made young wine to remove into the cellar or cool dark place, after 10-15 days the filtering procedure is repeated.

The color of the proper cooked wine must have a yellowish tint. It is possible to store wine on the door of the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container with a hermetic cork. For the prevention of diseases and good moods, it is allowed to drink no more than 1 glasses of wine from rowan per day.

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