Wine from apricots at home?

Wine from apricots at home?

Annually apricot trees give us an abundance of useful and delicious fruits. You can use them both in the raw form and in the form of jams, jelly and a variety of drinks. A popular alcoholic beverage cooked from apricot is an apricot wine. And how to cook it yourself, tells this article.

Recipes Preparation of homemade wines from apricots

Recipe 1.

Basic wine recipe requires:

  • 3 kg apricot and sugar.
  • 10 liters of water.
  1. The fruits disrupt the napkin (not my!), Remove the bones and carefully smear with your hands. The resulting fruit puree place in enameled (or glass) dishes.
  2. Heat water to a temperature of 25 - 30 ° C. Dissolve half a sugar portion in it.
  3. Fruit puree pour sweet water. The composition is thoroughly mixed, cover the napkin or gauze and send to a warm place (without access of sunlight) for 5 days. Do not forget to mix every day the resulting substance with a wooden shovel or spoon.
  4. Next, using gauze, focusing howling juice into a separate jar (the liquid should take no more than 2-3 vessels). Add 0.5 kg of sugar. Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  5. You put on the hydraulic system (an alternative is a rubber glove with a punctured needle hole) and leave the bank for another 3 weeks. During fermentation, add remaining sugar - 0.5 kg to 5 and 10 days.

The total fermentation time is 20-30 days. After this time, the wine overflow in dry clean vessels, climb the lid and leave for 4 months to dive into a cool place.

Recipe 2.

  • 3 kg apricot.
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • 2 - 3 lemon (at the rate of 1 fruit for 2.5 liters of juice).
  • 5 liters of water.
  • 2 - 3 h. L. Wine yeast (1 spoon for every 2.5 l of juice).


  • Ensure fruits from stones. The resulting slices send under the press - the flesh should put juice.
  • Press the resulting puree through a gauze folded in several layers.
  • Singing juice from lemons and add it to apricot juice. Add yeast to the resulting composition, sugar.
  • The composition is placed in a glass container, the third of which remains free. On top of the neck clothing the hydraulic. In this position, leave the apricot infusion for 2 to 3 weeks. When fermentation is completed, wait 10 more - 15 days.
  • Strain the liquid, trying not to affect the fruit precipitate. Distribute wine bottles, block them and send a product to ripen in a cool place for 4 months. The optimal time of wine tasting is 6 months after the spill.

Recipe 3.

  • 10 kg apricot.
  • 6 kg Sugar sand.
  • 5 liters of water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Muscat walnut.
  • 100 g of a dark grade of raisin.
  1. Apricots separate from bones. The pulp of fruit is crushed (with this purpose, you can even take advantage of a blender).
  2. In the finished puree, add raisins, nutmeg and sugar dissolved in warm water. The resulting composition overflow into a glass vessel and leave away from direct sunlight by 3 days (a temperature of at least 22 ° C).
  3. At the end of the ferment reactions, the drink will give a dense sediment at the bottom. Next, the resulting wort is necessary to merge. This should be neat, without affecting the fruit precipitate. To facilitate this task, use sieve or gauze.
  4. Bottles with wine are clocked and leave for a month "Walk".

The use of a nutmeg is not mandatory, but it is this product that the unique shade and pleasant fragrance will give guilt.

Features of cooking homemade wine from apricots

  • To prepare wine, choose high-quality and ripe fruits. You should not use apricots that fell on the ground - broken fruits will give a ready-made guilt too nice flavoring.
  • Before processing fruits do not wash. So you save the natural wine yeast necessary for high-quality fermentation.
  • Do not remove the peel of fruits until the cake is fixed, because It is she who gives the ready-made a pleasant light fragrance.
  • Sinyl Acid present in the bone of fruits requires compulsory removal of the latter at the preliminary stage of preparing wine.
  • For the best passing for all stages of fermentation and maturation, try to reduce the contact of the product with air and light to a minimum.
  • The optimal storage temperature of the apricot wine is 10 ° C.

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