Wine from apples at home

Wine from apples at home

Homemade apples, but made in all the rules, it may well replace expensive stores. Delicious, fragrant, beautiful color - wine is well combined with meat and desserts and can be added to sweet sauces. This alcoholic beverage is done in several ways. Everyone can choose a recipe in its taste.

Vintage Russian apple wine recipe

Apples for any recipe you need to take well-affected and preferably sweet varieties. The best wine is obtained from fruits of red. They are more fragrant and give a beverage beautiful golden color.

  • Collect ripe apples. They are suitable and those who lie under the trees. Fruits thoroughly wash to remove the remnants of the Earth. Cut apples on slices, without removing seeds. If the fruits are worms, then remove such places. Apple pieces skip through the meat grinder and be sure to glue the resulting apple mass (mezdu).
  • Place the mezdu into a glass cylinder and pour it out with sugar sand. If apples are rather sweet, then sugar put 100 g per 1 kg of twisted mass. In a more acidic apple mass of sugar, add more, but not more than 150 g per 1 kg of mezgi.
  • The bottle with apples and sugar is tied by gauze and keep it 3-4 days in a fairly warm place. During this time, the mass will begin to be separated into two fractions. The thick mezga will pop up up, and apple juice will remain down.
  • Using a rubber tube, drain all the juice into another balloon and measure the resulting volume of the fluid.
  • In the balloon with apple juice, add sugar more. It also takes or 100 grams per liter, or 150 grams on the same liter. The amount of sugar in this case can also be different - it depends on how much the sweet wine you want as a result to get.
  • Bank with the future wine, close the lid with a water seal. Leave the product in a warm place to ferment for 15-25 days. The difference in the number of days may be due to how warm your room or any apples you used for wine.
  • As soon as the wine ceases to wander (foam will cease to stand out and its cap will fall), pour the wine into bottles and put them in a cool dark place.
  • This apple wine does not require a long maturation. You can try a few days, but well chilled.

Recipe dry apple wine from the juice

For this wine, you will need the juice of apples, but the fresh squeezed.

  • Wash the apples and cut into slices. Remove the seed pods and all damaged areas. With the help of juicers squeeze the juice from apples. Drain the juice in a large glass bottle and let it quietly stand 1 or 2 days. The neck of the bottle, cover with gauze, so that the juice did not get flies and various other midges.
  • Two days later, pour the pure juice in another bottle. At the same time, try not to hit the upper and lower foam pellet in it. Drain the juice through a rubber tube. Juice bottle should be filled with slightly more than half. The remaining void volume is needed to froth it came out, which will be formed during fermentation.
  • Measure the volume of the juice and mix it with sugar. For every liter of juice, take 200 grams of sugar.
  • On the bottle with sweet juice install a water trap. Keep the future of wine in the warmth whole month. During this time, an active ferment must occur in the bank, and then - to stop.
  • Once fermentation is complete, pour the wine into the prepared bottles and close their lids. Soak dry wine in a cool dark place for at least 3 months, and only then apply it on the table.

Recipe of sweet apple wine from the juice

This recipe is identical to the previous recipe, but with one caveat. When you mix the apple juice with the sugar, then place it is not 200 grams per liter of liquid, and 400 grams. Apples are very combined with cinnamon, so it is a sweet wine can be enriched with oriental spices. Put in every glass of wine and cinnamon stick drink sparkle with new colors and flavors.

The original recipe of sparkling apple wine from dried apples

Sparkling apple wine called ciders and there is a great variety of recipes. One of the most delicious is considered the cider made from dried apples.

  1. For apples, remove the peel and cut midway and fruit slices. Dry apples in the sun. Weigh the dried apples and set aside for wine only 1 kg.
  2. In a wooden barrel, put a kilogram of dried apples and pour them ten liters of cold boiled water. Barrel or the same large bottle cover gauze and keep it warm for 3 days. During this time, dried apples will scatter.
  3. Next, transfer the keg in the cold place and keep it there before the start of fermentation. The lid do not close the cover so that oxygen flows into the container.
  4. As soon as weak fermentation will begin in a cylinder or barrel, close the container is very tight. Keep it in the cold for a month without opening the lid.
  5. In a month, run away the hip wine on the bottle, deleting at the same time swollen dry apples. For greater effervescent in each bottle, put a pair of light raisins.
  6. Keep bottles in the cold, tightly closed and horizontally.

Step-by-step recipe for home apple wine. You will see in this video.

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