Irga - juicy and useful berry, in appearance similar to black currant. The wine made from the berry of Irgi is not only an unusually thin and pleasant aroma, but also soft, moderately sweet taste. How to cook homemade wine from Irgi?
Cooking homemade wine from Irgi
Recipe 1.
Classic wine making recipe requires:
- 2 - 3 kg of Irish berries (the amount of ingredient determines depending on the juice of the berries - at the output you should get 1 liter of berry juice).
- 0.5 kg of sugar;
- 1 l of water.
- Berry puree place in enameled capacity. Fruits give hands or skip through a meat grinder. Give your mashed potatoes to stand a little so that the berries will let juice.
- Prepare sugar syrup. Connect water and sugar, send sucking on the stove. When the water begins to boil, reduce the flame and negotiate the composition for another 10 minutes.
- Pull the puree from Irgi through the gauze, trying to separate clean juice.
- Connect the berry juice and slightly thickened syrup. Stir the ingredients. We transfix the composition into the bottle, on the neck of which install the water shutter - the exit from the tank is almost completely overlap, it remains only a place to establish a gas-conductive tube. One end is placed in a vessel (without touching the surface of the liquid), and the other in a glass with water.
- The bottle is sent to heat (temperature 22 ° - 24 ° C) without access of sunlight by 2 - 3 weeks.
- When the fermentation of the wort will end, burst the wine on the bottle and leave to win for another 3 months.
Recipe 2.
Prepare ingredients:
- 6 kg of irgi.
- 2 l of water.
- 1 kg of sugar.
- 100 g of dark raisis (dried fruit is not washed).
- Irgi berries go through and send to a bowl for grinding. If the fruits are soft enough (surpired), you can do it with your hands. If you cannot squeeze the juice, skip IRGU through the meat grinder.
- The resulting berry mass is placed in enameled dishes. Capacity put on fire and warm up to a temperature of 50 ° - 60 ° C. Turn off the plate and cover the bowl with a lid. In this form, leave the berries for a day - this time will be enough, so that Irga gave juice. With heat treatment of yeast berries, which are present on the surface of the IRGI, die, so without adding raisins it is not necessary.
- Move the composition through gauze, thus separating pure juice from the mezgi. Latest disposal. Of the 6 kg of berries 2.5 - 3 liters of juice.
- Third sugar dissolve in warm boiled water. Add syrup to berry juice.
- Prepare a clean (sterilized) vessel with a volume of 7 - 10 liters (a beverage fermentation will occur in this container). Turn the juice into the bottle, add raisins. The waterproofing is installed on the container (in the absence of such you put on the rubber glove, on one of its fingers they pierce the needle hole). Capacity Send to heat - fermentation temperature 22 ° - 26 ° C. It is important to eliminate the access of sun rays.
- After 5 days, add 350 g of sugar to the bottle. To do this, cast a glass of wort, add sugar and thoroughly mix the ingredients. Syrup return to Savlo. Repeat the procedure after another 5 days.
The fermentation of the wort occurs within 30 - 50 days - when this process is completed, the drink will give the drink. After this time, the young wine should be accurately merged, trying not to affect the precipitate. If this manipulation from the first time failed, strain the drink through the gauze - the remaining sediment can give wine not very pleasant mustard. Pour wine around the bottle, and send the product to diverge for 2 to 3 months.
Recipe 3.
Prepare ingredients:
- 0.5 liters of Irish berries juice.
- 0.5 l of red currant juice.
- 0.5 kg of sugar.
- 1 l of water.
- Prepare sugar syrup. To this end, add sugar to water, send dishes with sweet water on fire and cope with liquid for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Next, press the juice of their currant berries and Irgi. To do this, overwhelm the berry mass to the state of mashed, and then skip the composition through the gauze.
- Connect berry juice and sugar syrup, mix ingredients.
- Transfix juice into a clean bank for further fermentation. Over the neck of the bottle install the water shutter. Vessel put in a dark corner. The fermentation of the juice occurs at a temperature of 25 ° - 28 ° C for 2 to 3 weeks. Do not forget to mix the wort of every 7 days.
- The young wine is filled with, trying to completely eliminate the sediment. It is most comfortable to perform this manipulation using a rubber or silicone hose. The product leaves for 3 to 4 months at a temperature of not more than 15 ° C. The appearing in the fault of the sediment is also removed using the hose. When the precipitate is stopped, bottled wine and clog the container.
Features of cooking homemade wine from IRGI
- For cooking, use only good, ripe berries and, if possible, clean berries (since. Before cooking, you should not wash them).
- Berries are not soaked, since the whims of the fetus on the surface of the fruit contains the necessary yeast necessary for fermentation.
- For the preparation of wine from Irgi, 3 components are needed - actually berry juice (only Irgi or with an admixture of other berries), sugar and water. The best proportion of these ingredients is 1 l / 0.4 - 0.5 kg / 1 l, respectively.
- If, after 3 - 5 days, fermentation did not begin, add a pre-prepared starter to prepare. To do this, disappear 2 cups of berries (the optimal version is raspberry berries), pour them with a glass of water and make 200 g of sugar. Mix the components, close the capacitance tightly and remove to heat for 4 days. Strain the liquid - Explosion is ready.
- Ready wine is stored in a cold no more than 5 years.