How to make a casting from raspberry?

How to make a casting from raspberry?

Malina is famous for a gentle aroma, a beautiful purple color and delicious taste. The drink will warm in winter, complement the sweet desserts and any celebration. Raspberry casting Crane is easy to cook at home - you just need to choose the best and proven recipe.

Malinic casting - Top 5 best recipes

Such a delicate drink is extremely easy to prepare - you only need to stock raspberry berries and additional components. Verified raspberry recipe help create a fragrant drink at home easily and easy!

Classic recipe

Locking from raspberry on a classic recipe will delight saturated aroma and high fortress. To create it, you need to prepare:

  • Vodka - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 l
  • Raspberry berries - 4 kg


  1. Rinse raspberry berries and smash in Cashitz. Place a puree in a bottle and pour vodka - that that completely covered raspberries.
  2. Tightly clog the container and leave in the dark for a whole week. During the fermentation process, it is worth shaking the mass once a day.
  3. Filter the finished drink using gauze or fine sieve.
  4. Raspberry cake to connect with water and sugar and bring to a boil. Cool the raspberry syrup, after which it is pouring filtered vodka infused on raspberry.
  5. Strain the liquid through the gauze layer and clog in glass bottles. Leave a drink for fermentation for a whole month.
  6. Filter the raspberry liquor through the wool layer and serve. Keep a drink from year to one and a half years in the refrigerator.

Malinic Calus on Jam

Sweetish drink on raspberry jam will save the time of creating emphasis and delight with a rich taste. To create emphasis you need to prepare:

  • Vodka - 1 l
  • Raspberry jam - 500 ml.


  1. Mix vodka with jam by placing the components in a glass hermetic container.
  2. Leave the mixture for three weeks in the cold.
  3. Strain fixing through a layer of dense gauze and - feed the drink to the table.

Natural fermentation raspberry

A simple drink without vodka based on natural fermentation will be a highlight on a festive table and complement the sweet table. To create a drink it is worth stocking:

  • Fresh raspberries - 2.2 kg
  • Clean water - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 0.8 kg


  1. Lay the berries with layers in a glass bottle, generously speaking each layer of sugar.
  2. Suppress the berry layers of the rolling pin and mix the mixture slightly.
  3. Add non-visited water and mix the ingredients.
  4. Rewind the neck bottle with a dense layer of gauze and leave for three days in warmth.
  5. Bottled mixture, on the surface of which a white foam appeared, clog the glove, pulling it on the neck of the bottle.
  6. Leave a drink for 20 days in heat, after which it is strain and pour into clean capacity. Leave a casting for another two weeks before clarification, after which it is to clog in the glass bottles.

Ice Cream Malina

A simple recipe for raspberry bottles of ice cream berries will make it possible to prepare a fragrant drink at any time of the year. To create delicious and sweet emphasis you need:

  • Sugar - 600 g
  • Vodka - 1 l
  • Frozen raspberries - 1.3 kg
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Sugar syrup - 400 ml.


  1. Fall asleep with raspberries in a large bank and smash the rolling pin.
  2. Pour vodka, add water and mix the mix thoroughly.
  3. Insist the raspberry mass in the warmth in a closed jar of ten days.
  4. Filter the separated liquid through a gauze or sieve, add sugar syrup and leave a clogged liquor for another two weeks.
  5. Strain the aromatic raspberry liquid and - serve to the table.

Malinovka "People's"

An unusual version of a juicy and sweet drink with a spicy taste tint. Patio is performed in moderation sweet, with thin and light sourness. For the preparation of raspberries should be prepared:

  • Raspberry Fresh - 2 glasses
  • Vodka - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
    Vanilla sugar - 1 bag


  1. Wrap a cytrus with boiling water, remove the zest from Lemon and squeeze juice.
  2. Mix sugar with zest, lemon juice, vanilla sugar and water. Swift syrup, removing during the cooking foam.
  3. Cooled syrup to combine with raspberry frets and vodka. Pour the mixture into a bottle and survive a month in the clogged state.
  4. Profiltrate the raspberry, pour over glass bottles and tightly clog until tasting.

The fragrant raspberry will become an excellent addition to the festive feast. Such a "female" drink is exceeded with desserts and will become a real highlight of the sweet table!

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