What can be made of white currant?

What can be made of white currant?

White currant boasts a gentle taste, a nutmetic color and a high content of pectin substances and minerals. But the main value is universality, because of it you can prepare not only morse and jam, but also a fragrant pie, juicy pudding, unusual candied, delicious wine and even an exotic salad.

Jelly of white currant

Enhance immunity and raise the mood in winter will help jelly home cooking. Well, if you have to receive guests, the tender texture and amber color of this dessert will conquer the hearts of all gourmets.

For jelly, only two ingredients will be required - 2 kg of currant and as much sugar. Preparation of jelly consists of the following steps:

  • Berries tear off the twigs, be sure to rinse in water.
  • Place the berries in the enameled container, add ¼ glass of water. After boiling bare brews for 4 minutes. About their willingness will testify the burst of the skin.
  • Wipe the resulting mass through the fine sieve, which will relieve the jelly from the bones and skins.
  • The translucent mass of the light straw color is connected with sugar and interfere with its dissolution.
  • Send a tank with jelly on fire and negotiate for 7 minutes. When the mass acquires amber color, spread it on sterilized jars and close the lids.

Advice! It is important to decompose the jelly as soon as possible, while it is still hot, since it is lying literally in front of her eyes.

White Currant Cups

From white currant, delicious candies are obtained, which can be added to fragrant pastries, beverages, desserts. The key to success is absolutely ripe and whole berries. It is necessary to take 0.3 l of water and 1.2 kg of sugar per kilogram of selected berries.

How to cook a candied:

  • Water and sugar boil until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. The resulting syrup is filtered through gauze.
  • Clean berries are shifted into enamelled containers, pour syrup, cook an additional five minutes and leave exactly 10 hours.
  • Then we cook berries about 15 minutes until readiness, filter.
  • We give berries for two hours so that they are a little dry, and then with a sugar powder.
  • Further, the berries are placed on a baking sheet and send in the oven. Singing temperature - + 40 ° C, cooking duration - 3 hours. Or you can leave berries in the room for 6 days.
  • Then the berries are re-sprinkled with powder and leave another two days.

Advice! Syrup Do not pour it out - it can be used to prepare a compote or jelly.

Wine from white currant

When it comes to white currants, it is difficult not to mention a magnificent wine from this berry with a rich taste gamut. It is not more difficult to prepare it than from grapes. For cooking 5 liters you will need:

  • 2 l juice white currant;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 2.3 liters of water;
  • ½ l vodka.


  • From clean and fresh berries, press the juice, we put half the cooked sugar in it, we ship into the cool room for 10 days.
  • Then add a vodka to the boiling juice and let it stand for a week.
  • By the expiration of this time, add the remaining part of the sugar, we break the wine on bottles and clutch them tightly.
  • Three months later, the wine can be tastened.

White currant sauce for meat

From berries you can prepare for the winter delicious sauce and serve it with meat and fish dishes.

How to cook:

  • In the bowl of the blender, send 300 g of berries, 100 g of dill greens and as much garlic.
  • Cook the puree, add 50 g of sugar to it and bring to a boil.
  • Boil through sterilized banks, roll out.

White currant is characterized by a special taste that is harmonized with most products. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and cook new culinary masterpieces!

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