What can be done from strawberries?

What can be done from strawberries?

In the strawberry season, enjoy her gentle flavor and with nothing comparable aroma. After walking out with fresh, start cooking all sorts of goodies. Jam, frost, jelly. Strawberry deserves that you prepare from it many exquisite blanks for the winter and used it in everyday cooking.

Strawberry jam with lemon zest, mint and basil

This jam will become a real masterpiece - his recipe you will ask for a neighbor, friends, relatives.

  • 500 g of medium strawberries are very quickly rinsed under running water and also quickly dry on a towel. If the strawberry is wet, then you will get the jam.
  • Strawberry spread into one layer on a separation and sprinkle with one tablespoon of vodka. Vodka in this case will serve in order that the berries become more hard and did not boil into jam. Drumped strawberry with vodka hold 2 hours in air.
  • Place the berries in a wide pelvis and sprinkle with small sugar sand. You will need 400 grams.
  • As soon as the strawberry under sugar leaves juice, move it to a slow fire and boil from the moment of boiling 3 minutes. Remove the white foam.
  • Give a strawberry to cool completely and again bring the jam to a boil. Boil 4 minutes and during this heat treatment, add a teaspoon of fresh lemon zest to the workpiece.
  • After the contents in the bowl cools the second time, bring the jam to a boil again and boil 5 minutes. At the very beginning of the third boil, put in the pelvis 5 fresh mint leaves and 5 leaves of purple basilica.
  • When strawberry jam completely cools, spread it on jars and store it in the refrigerator. Basil and mint leaves can be removed, but you can leave strawberry right.

Strawberry in Ice Syrup

Having made such a workpiece, you will be able to enjoy a delicious fresh strawberry in the cold season.

  1. Having collected on the garden or purchased in the strawberry market. The most firm and straight with the tails set aside. Clean the soft and rigorous berry from the tails and put in a blender.
  2. Strawberry in a blender will overcome uniformity and add sugar to the mass. Sugar by weight you will need as much as chopped strawberries
  3. Whole berries that you postponed, fill in plastic containers. Strawberry in them put in one or two layers.
  4. Strawberry with tails pour the sweet strawberry sauce from the bowl of the blender. The interrupted mass should not reach the upper edge by 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Containers Close the covers and send to the freezer.
  6. In winter, remove one billet from the freezer and leave it on the shelf of the refrigerator at least 7 hours. During this time, the syrup defects and you can easily get a whole strawberry out of it.

Thanks to the frost in syrup, the berries will retain its original shape and they can be used as an ordinary fresh strawberry: to eat the whole, decorate cakes, desserts, put into cocktails. From the monstering syrup, it is easy to weld kissel or to file it to pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese and rice casserole.

Winter strawberry jelly

For this workpiece, select the ripe strawberry. You will also need sugar and special culinary thickener "Nefix 2/1". Instead of this thickener, you can take any kind, but carefully examine the instructions for it.

  • 1 kg of strawberry worm from sand and dry well on the towel. Remove sewers.
  • Berries will be blended or thoroughly dispel the fork. Place them in a bowl or saucepan.
  • 25 grams of flakms mix with two tablespoons of small sugar sand and evenly crumble him along the strawberry puree. Stir and put a bowl on a small fire.
  • After 2 minutes of boiling, add 450 g of sugar to the strawberry and boil 3 minutes, constantly interfering with a spoon
  • Hot welded mass spread over a small jars and allow jelly cool without covers.
  • Cold jelly Cover the lids and transfer the blanks into the fridge.

Strawberry dried

Having a large strawberry bed at the cottage, you can cook a dried berry. It is then good to put it in the morning porridge, stove with her cupcakes, serve as a light snack with nuts and dried. For this workpiece you will need a special electrical dryer or an oven with blowing. You can use the usual oven, but the berries will be dried much longer.

  1. Strawberries of one medium size rinse and dry. Remove sewers.
  2. Spread the berries in one layer on the lattice pallets of the electric car or on the baked sheets, which are in every oven. If you dry in the oven, then the sheets are shielded with baking paper.
  3. In the dryer, the strawberries are dried by installing the program "Berries". Time adjust yourself, depending on how juicy and large strawberries.
  4. In the oven, berries are dried at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees and with the envelope with hot air.
  5. In both cases, readiness determine the decrease in the berries in the amount of approximately 3-4 times. Strawberry should not be completely dry - she will remind of raisins to the touch.
  6. Give the dried strawberry completely cool, and only then put in a paper bag. Keep the fridge workpiece.

Pink biscuit cake with cottage cheese and strawberry cream

For this cake, you can use a strawberry fresh or frozen in ice syrup. First prepare pink biscuit.

  1. 4 Eggs divide into proteins and yolks. Yolks. Beat with one cup of sugar to white fluffy state. Proteins beat to peaks, adding a pinch of sugar powder or 5-6 drops of fresh lemon juice to them.
  2. Whipped yolks Mix to homogeneity with one glass of sifted flour, teaspox of a baking powder for the dough and 100 milliliters of fresh strawberry juice. Instead of juice, you can take a frostled strawberry syrup.
  3. In the dough, enter whipped proteins and mix the mass very gently with a silicone spatula.
  4. Bake the biscuit until readiness in the oven. Give baking to completely cool and wrap it with a food film. In the film, the biscuit should stand the day to completely mature.

The next day prepare cottage cheese cream and spread them cake. From above dessert decorate strawberry berries. Copy cook like this:

  • 600 grams of homemade cottage cheese mix with 250 grams of sugar powder, 100 ml of oily cream and 1 sachet thickener for cream. Mass swell to a puff mixer.
  • In the cream, enter 100 melted ice jelly or put several crushed strawberry berries. Take advantage of the mixer again. If the mass turned out to be liquid, then put another bag of thickener.

Use strawberries not only for familiar cooking, sauces and cakes. You can cook from it a delicious home liquor.

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