How to cook black currants for the winter?

How to cook black currants for the winter?

In the black currant there is a huge number of useful vitamins and trace elements. For example, in this berry of the same vitamin with much more than in Lemon. The uniqueness of the currant is due to the fact that even harvested for the winter, it does not lose its properties until the next harvest collection. So that all the year you and your loved ones were able to consume delicious and useful currants, do not be lazy to stock it for the winter. Choose your favorite recipes and prepare jams, jams, jelly.

Preparation of currant to further conservation

Choosing currants on the market or collecting it from the bush, take only ripe berries. They are very dark and pretty soft.

  • Tailing with currants. Remove the remains of the leaves and twigs.
  • Fold the berries in the colander and by immersing it into a bowl with cold water, rinse well with raw materials.
  • Spread clean currant on an old towel or other unnecessary fabric in one layer. Give berries completely dry.

Black currant - flew with sugar and without cooking

This billet is the simplest and can be made literally in 10 minutes.

  • Twist the berries on the meat grinder or grind them with a blender.
  • Put 1 kilograms of sugar sand for each kilogram of the puree. Stir to dissolve the latter.
  • Sweet mass spread over special bags for freezing or in small containers.
  • Send currants to the freezer.
  • In winter, use such a workpiece immediately in food or a little tapping it if you want to get a more delicate taste.

If you plan to keep the chest on the shelf of the refrigerator, then add no 1 kilogram of sugar to each kilogram of currants, but two.

Black currant - cooked with sugar by classic recipe

This is a normal jam, which is always cooked by our grandmothers. Despite its simple recipe, preparation turns out very tasty and fragrant.

  • Prepare equal amounts of sugar and currants.
  • Put the food in a bowl in layers.
  • Wait until the berries start up the juice and sugar begins to be painted in a dark color.
  • Place the dishes on a very small fire and stirring the contents, cook a lot of 5 minutes after boiling. Remove the foam.
  • Increase the heat to medium and cook the jam for 10 minutes. In the beginning, once its mix, shaking his hips to the side .. The second time you can already use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula.
  • Boiling jam expanded in sterilized jars and lids sterilized ukuporte them.
  • Give the procurement and transfer them to cool completely in the closet or basement.

Blackcurrant - canned in sugar syrup

This blank can be used in winter and as a liquid jam, and for preparing therefrom stewed fruit, jelly, jellies etc.

  1. The net liter cans lay out the entire pre-cooked currants.
  2. In each jar top to pour cold drinking water.
  3. Drain currant with all the water in the pan and checks should necessarily its volume.
  4. For each liter of fusion of water add 1 kg and 300 g of sugar.
  5. Their water and sugar syrup boil. Syrup simmer 10 minutes after boiling, and be sure to remove from it the foam.
  6. Pour boiling syrup berries in the banks and cover their lids.
  7. Banks set in a pan of hot water. It should be enough that the liquid reaches the shoulder of the container.
  8. Pan put on fire, and sterilize the preform 25 minutes of boiling water around the cans.
  9. Remove the jars from the boiling water and cover ukuporte.
  10. Give canned food to cool naturally, and then take them in a cool dark place.

Black currant - a five-minute jam thick

This jam is obtained very thick. It is great for spreads on sandwiches and as a filling in cakes, pies or tarts sand.

  • 1 kg of blackcurrant chop on myasorbuke.
  • Add 1.5 kg of sugar and mix well.
  • Allow the mass to stand for 5-6 hours at room temperature to completely dissolve the sugar crystals.
  • Place in bowl of high heat and boil for exactly 5 minutes jam, starting counting from the first sign of boiling.
  • Hot forward lay in sterilized jars and immediately roll up their.
  • After cooling, transfer the workpiece in a cold place.

Blackcurrant - clear jam jelly

For every kilogram of ripe berries, you will need 750 grams of fine sugar and 50 grams of water.

  1. Put currants in a bowl and fill it with water.
  2. Bring mass to a slow boil and simmer for about 10 minutes until the skin at both berries burst starts.
  3. Give currants to cool to room temperature, and then overtake it through the smallest metal sieve. Through this is a sieve and all the juice that was formed during cooking. If in the resulting berry puree there will be some number of bones or skins, then additionally, we move the mass through a couple of gauze layers.
  4. The resulting liquid mix with sugar and wait for it to complete dissolution.
  5. Boil Jemy Jelly in three comes: 10 minutes of boiling - 5 hours of cooling, 15 minutes of boiling - 6 hours of cooling, 20 minutes of boiling - 7 hours of cooling.
  6. Cold Jam Spread on clean dry jars and close their lids.
  7. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Black currant is perfectly combined with apples, pears, peaches, raspberry. You can add them to any recipe to your liking, reducing the total weight of the currant. Also try instead of a certain amount of currant put in jam or waiting for the same number of twisted on the meat grinder together with the orange leather.

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