How to cook a jam from black currant?

How to cook a jam from black currant?

Black currant berries are rich in gelling substances that are responsible for the glove of winter blanks. Due to the presence of a huge amount of pectin and tanning substances in currant, jams and jams from it are even at the most inexperienced owners. Jam can be welded only from one currant, and you can diversify it with other fruits and berries.

Classic currant jam black

For this recipe you will need 1 kg of berries and 1.5 kg of sugar.

  1. Clean the currants from chiesels and small garbage. Rinse it under running water and dry on a towel.
  2. Twist the berries through the meat grinder and mix with 1 kilogram of sugar.
  3. After dissolving sugar, put a bowl with a sweet berry mass on a slow fire and wait until the currant starts to throw.
  4. Add the remaining 0.5 kg of sugar and boil the jam for 15 minutes, stirring it constantly. At the very end of cooking, add a pinch of citric acid or a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in the jam.
  5. Spread the hot mass on jars, which necessarily sterinate over the ferry.
  6. Jars cover with covers and let the jam cool naturally.

Black currant jammy journalism or configure

With the use of food thickeners, Jem will have so thick, which will resemble marmalade. On each sachet of the gelling means there is an indication for which it is calculated. Usually - it is 1 kg of berries or fruits.

  • 1 kg purified from garbage, washed and dried berries Put in a wide bowl. With the help of a large fork or a special interpretation for potatoes puree crushing the berries.
  • Pour to the berries of the package of flakms or configure and mix everything thoroughly.
  • We send a bowl on fire and wait for the currant mass boil.
  • In small portions, enter 1 kg and 200 sugar sand to boiling currant. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cook waiting on slow fire 5-7 minutes.
  • Spread the workpiece on jars and close their covers.

3 Jam from black currant and apples

This recipe can be used if you do not have enough berries, and a delicious and thick jam with the taste of currants make it very much.

  1. Clean the apples from the skins and cut the pieces. Weigh them - you must have exactly 1 kg of semi-finished products.
  2. Apple pieces shred in a blender or skip through a meat grinder.
  3. Lay out the mass in a bowl for cooking jam and truth it with sugar (200 g). Wait until the sugar begins to dissolve and the apple puree covers juice.
  4. Put a bowl on a slow fire and as soon as the puree boils, check the time. Cook a lot of 20 minutes, constantly interfering with a wooden spoon.
  5. While the apples are boiled, in a blender grind 300 grams of black currant, and then lay it out to apples.
  6. Wegan all together for another 10 minutes.
  7. Immersed blender will overload an apple currant mass to a homogeneous smooth state.
  8. Practice 1 kg of sugar and cook the jam for another 10 minutes.

Black currant jam and pears

Perevids with sugar pears, unlike apples, not very much thicken. Therefore, in this jam you will also have to use a flavor or any such thickener.

  • From ripe pears with a blender, take 0.5 purees. Fruits Before this, be sure to clean from the skins.
  • Mix a pear mass with a black currant rushed through a meat grinder. Take it too 500 g.
  • Patch the scotting bag and send a lot to a slow fire.
  • After boiling, add 1.2 kg of sugar sand into the future jam and boil a lot of 10 minutes.
  • Hot jam put in banks and close their lids.

Jam from black and red currant

This jam is obtained by the most delicious and thick, because both types of currant are tugged well and have very pronounced flavors.

  1. 1 kg of red currant, purified from garbage and twigs, pour 1 glass of water and bring to a boil. So that all berries are well steamed, change the currant several times, without removing it from the fire.
  2. Slightly cool the berries and overtake them through a metal sieve to get clean juice.
  3. Juice Mix with 2.4 kg of sugar and weld the berry syrup. When cooking, be sure to remove the foam.
  4. 1 kg of clean and dry black currant will be blend to the puree state.
  5. Enter the black currant puree in the syrup of red currant and cook everything together for 15 minutes.
  6. On jars Jam decorate while he is still hot.
  7. Keep the workpiece in a dark place under the kapron covers.

If you like a transparent jam, i.e. absolutely no bones, then this video is specifically for you. It talks about how to prepare a delicate currant workpiece.

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