How to make currant jam?

How to make currant jam?

Currant, both red and black, can rightfully be called pantry vitamins. The fragrant berry jam will enjoy the taste of currants during the year. An important preparation condition of the jam is minimal heat treatment. Otherwise, the berries will only have a pleasant taste, but with Vitamins will have to say goodbye.

Cooking currant jam without cooking

The cold way to obtain a berry jam will allow in full preserve the useful substance of currant. The "reverse side" of the process is more than in case of cooking jam, the amount of sugar.

To prepare the jam, take:

  • 1 kg of currant.
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar.

Cooking Jem:

  • Currant berries are thoroughly, delivering from branches and dry tails.
  • Next, lay out the currant on a paper towel, berries need to dry.
  • Prepare a plastic or enamel tank of suitable size. Stainless steel utensils are not suitable, because There will be an oxidation process.
  • Miss the berries through the meat grinder.
  • In the resulting puree, add sugar, and thoroughly mix ingredients (until completely dissolved sweet sand).
  • Pour the resulting jam in pre-sterilized and dried banks. Capacities cover the lids and send to the refrigerator.

Depending on the wishes of the currant berries, it is possible to add raspberries and blueberries (1: 1 and 2 parts of the sugar), as well as orange (1-2 pieces per 1 kg of currant). It is stored with such a jam exclusively in the refrigerator.

Preparations of currant jam using pectin

Pectin is a substance, the main task of which is to enhance the viscosity of the product (acts as a thickener). The use of this component during the preparation of the jam makes it possible to reduce the consumption of sugar, having obtained a thick, durable sweet mass.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg of currant.
  • 0.7 kg of sugar.
  • 20 g (bag) pectin.

Preparation steps:

  1. Morate berries are made, save from the twigs.
  2. In the bowl of the blender, send currants and a third of the sugar. Grind the ingredients before receiving a puree consistency.
  3. Next, we transfix the mass into the enameled dishes.
  4. Capacity send to the middle fire. As soon as mashed the beginning "boulder", add pectin and remaining sugar. Stir the ingredients.
  5. Reduce the flame to a minimum. Boil the composition of 15 minutes.
  6. Ready jam distribute on pre-sterilized and dried banks.
  7. Capacities rush covers and send to the pantry.

Preparations of currant jam with the addition of lemon juice

An alternative to traditional jokes of Jem is lemon. His juice is an excellent natural preservative, thanks to the "work" of which your jam will not deteriorate.

Ingredients Jema:

  • 0.5 kg of currant.
  • 0.5 kg of blueberries.
  • 1 lemon.
  • 0.9 kg of sugar.

If you are not a fan of blueberries, take 1 kg of currant.

  1. My berries are delivered from the twigs and other garbage.
  2. Grind the currants and blueberries by skipping them through a meat grinder or with a blender.
  3. Add sugar. Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  4. Lemon cut in half and extrude the citrus juice into the resulting berry mass.
  5. Mix the composition thoroughly thoroughly.
  6. Ready jam spill on sterile banks and send it in the cold.

Cooking currant jam in a slow cooker

  • 1 liter currant berry bank
  • 2.5 cup sugar-sand.
  1. The washed and purified currant berries are overwhelming before receiving a homogeneous mass (using a meat grinder, blender or even sieves).
  2. Put the resulting puree in the multicooker's bowl.
  3. Adop the sugar, mix the ingredients.
  4. Install the "extinguishing" mode and time - 15 minutes.

Ready jam distribute over sterile banks and roll. There is such a delicacy in the pantry.

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