What to cook from raspberry?

What to cook from raspberry?

Soon comes the season of ripening raspberries and many housewives are already planning to cook out of this tasty fruit, but the traditional jam. It must necessarily be in the home - without the cold winter can not do, when you need to warm up or quickly cure a cold. But apart from all known blank, raspberries suitable for other no less useful and very tasty desserts and drinks.

Jam jelly raspberry brandy

Recipe thick and fragrant jam-jelly:

  1. 1.2 kg of raspberry grind through a metal sieve to remove bone.
  2. The collected juice mix with 0.8 kg of sugar and 50 ml of good brandy.
  3. Bowl with raspberry weight put in a bowl with a larger water, which is on fire.
  4. In a water bath, bring raspberry juice to the state until it appears foam. Remove it and warm up the juice for 10 minutes.
  5. While the juice is heated in a water bath, 1 large spoonful of gelatin dissolve the same in the two spoons of warm water.
  6. Enter the swollen gelatin into the hot juice with cognac and warm up all together for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Spread hot preform into sterilized jars and their screw caps.

Spicy raspberry jam

You will need:

  • Raspberry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.8 kg.
  • Basil - 4-5 leaves.
  • Lemon rind - with half a lemon.


  • Put the raspberries into a bowl and pour the sugar it. It is advisable to do it in layers.
  • When let raspberry juice and sugar is almost completely dissolved, put the pan on the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes mass. Remove the foam.
  • When completely cool jam again bring it to the boil and place it basil leaves and rind of lemon. Boil jam 4-5 minutes. Allow the workpiece to cool down again.
  • The third time the jam boil for 6-7 minutes, and after boiling, remove the lemon peel and the leaves of basil.
  • Hot jam spicy to decompose sterilized sterilized jars and close the lid.

Raw raspberry puree with sugar

You will need 1 kg of sugar and raspberry.

  • Malin perebeyte blender until uniform.
  • At the bottom of the pre-sterilized jar, lay out a layer of 0.5 cm sugar, and on it - the same raspberry puree.
  • Pure a puree from berries with sugar (0.5 cm) and again lay the raspberry mass on it.
  • Thus (a layer of sugar-layer of raspberries) fill in the whole jar to the top. The top should be sugar.
  • Cover the blank with a lid and store the raspberry puree with sugar in the refrigerator.

Raspberry in its own juice without sugar

This billet in the winter can be used for cooking fresh jam or for cooking compote, cheese or mess from it.

  • Clean floor liter jars fill fresh raspberries.
  • Jars set into a saucepan with cold water. The liquid must reach the shoulders of cans.
  • Turn the fire under pots and wait for the moment when raspberries under the action of external heating from hot water will let juice. At the same time, the berries will devote down the banks and will swim in the liquid.
  • In the banks with the crushed juice, Malina report to the top more than fresh raspberries and wait for this upper layer of berries with juice.
  • Thus, repeat new portions of berries several times so that as a result you have fully filled with juice and berries.
  • Full banks hold in a weakly boiling water for another 5. This time is enough for the final sterilization of the workpiece.
  • Remove banks with raspberries in our own juice from the pan and cover them with sterilized covers. Keep raspberry in a cold place.
  • In winter, at each floor, a liter jar with raspberries in the juice Add gram 100-200 sugar and negotiate this mass 2-3 minutes. You will have fresh raspberry jam.

Raspberry-lemon confiture

Everyone knows that lemon juice has some gelling properties. It is this feature that allows you to prepare a thick confident from raspberry and lemon, which can even be smeared on bread or a bun.

  1. 1.5 kg is very ripe raspberry over the sieve before receiving thick juice from the berries.
  2. Raspberry juice Mix with sugar (850 g) and half of the lemon.
  3. Give the mass to stand until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then put it on fire.
  4. Bring juice with sugar and lemon to boil and remove the foam. Boil 5 minutes.
  5. Cancel the future confiture from the plate and let him stand 24 hours. Tases cover towel or gauze, not a lid. It is impossible to use the cover, as condensate will be assembled inside on it and drip back into a bowl - it will be the confident to sound with its turn.
  6. After a day, place a bowl with Malina on fire and negotiate it again 5 minutes. Let stand another 24 hours.
  7. In the same way, make another time, and then, when the workpiece boils into copyright for the fourth time, spread the mass on the jars.
  8. Covers on jars wear and tighten when the configure is completely cool.

Syrup raspberry household

This syrup is best stored in the refrigerator. It is possible to serve it to the pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese or cook from it in winter kischi and compotes.

  • 2 kg of surpassed raspberries. Drop spoon to the taper. Add 1 liter of water to it. Mix the mass and give it 2 or 3 hours.
  • After time, lean the mass on the colander, covered with several layers of gauze. Collect fragrant liquid in a bowl. Raspberry remnants push manually through gauze.
  • Mix with three kilograms of sugar with three kilograms and wait when sugar is completely dissolved. So that it happens faster, interfere with a large spoon periodically mass.
  • The pelvis with already sweet juice put on fire and boil to the desired density. You will have time from 30 minutes to 1 hour. When cooking, remove the resulting foam.
  • Hot syrup bulk through sterilized cans or bottles and quickly encourage them.

You can use fresh raspberries to prepare pies, jelly, fillers for ice cream or milk cocktails. If dishes are cooking for children, then the raspberries are better over the sieve to remove the bones. This does not apply to cakes, because the raspberries in them should be a whole. For you video recipe cake with Malina.

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