What to do from the gooseberry for the winter - recipes

What to do from the gooseberry for the winter - recipes

The question is what to do from the gooseberry, as never relevant in the midst of the blanks. From this valuable berry, which enhances immunity, stimulates blood formation and simply pleases the summer taste you can cook jam, compote, pasteil and many other goodies. Consider popular recipes for blanks from a delicious gooseberry.

How to cook jelly from the gooseberry?

Jelly - favorite delicacy of children and sweet tooths. Do you love him too? Prepare it on the following recipe:

  • Take berries and sugar in the same quantity, such as a kilogram.
  • Berries wipe through the sieve, mixed with sugar.
  • Welcome weight from the gooseberry for 20 minutes.
  • Then the mass is filtered through a gauze, folded in 3-4 layers and re-equipped.
  • Pour hot jelly on sterilized banks and close the lids. After cooling it thickens.

How to cook jam from the gooseberry?

To ensure the whole family of vitamins for the winter, weld the simple, but incredibly delicious jam from the gooseberry.


  • 950 g of berries;
  • 1.8 kg of sugar;
  • ½ l of water.

How to cook:

  • Washing fruits Put in water container.
  • On medium heat, boil the berries until readiness.
  • Then the fruits wipe through the sieve and connect with sugar.
  • The resulting mass will cool down, bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Distribute jam from the gooseberry on sterilized banks.

Or prepare the jam like this:

  • Kilogram berries and so much sugar to boil.
  • After 6 hours, it is reused to boil and boil the berries for about 20 minutes.
  • Send the resulting jam to banks, roll.

How to cook the gooseberry leaves?

From the ripe and sweet gooseberry is the excellent grazing. To portion you will need 400 g of berries and 0.7 kg of sugar.


  • Fruits wipe through the sieve (you can pre-break them in order to be easier to recycle them).
  • Pumping off the gooseberry with sugar, wait until the sugar crystals are melted.
  • Will unail the parchment, distribute the mass from the gooseberry layer 1.5 cm.
  • Preheat the oven to + 150 ° C, send to it a baking sheet for 20 minutes.
  • Then leave the paste on the outdoors to three days, and then cut the portion pieces of arbitrary shape.

How to cook compote from the gooseberry "Mojito"?

Prepare refreshing compote with gooseberry and mint. To do this, you need:

  • 0.7 kg of berries;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • mint twigs.

How to cook:

  • Sterilize 3-three-liter banks.
  • Send the lemon lobby and mint leaves, as well as the gooseberry.
  • Fill the cans with boiling water, sterilize 20 minutes, roll out.

How to cook gooseberry juice?

A drink from the gooseberry quickly quit thirst, the stock of vitamins will fill, remind the taste of summer. For Morse, it will take 200 g of berries and sugar, as well as 120 ml of water.

How to cook:

  • Cook the syrup from water and sugar.
  • Berries shredt in a blender, send to syrup.
  • After cooling, take it again with a blender and enjoy fresh and bright taste.

How to make a pouring from the gooseberry?

In the gooseberry tincture you will find a unique connection of the berry taste, fastening alcohol and summer fragrance

Prepare for cooking:

  • 500 g berries;
  • ½ l of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

How to cook:

  • Berries and sugar Send into a bottle. Capacity Close the lid and leave for two weeks in a dark place.
  • Do not forget to shake the bottle twice a week.
  • Then pour in a bottle of alcohol, covering berries with sugar for 4 cm above the level.
  • After 14-16 days, the tincture is resurrected, and to taste with water.

Gooseberry is a delicious, useful and affordable berry. Prepare fragrant drinks, gentle jam, beat pies and make sauces, then your winter menu will be diverse and full.

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