Well, who refuses delicious homemade wine, especially if it is made from Alychi. Someone may be surprised that an alcoholic drink can get from this fruit, but this is true. Let's find out today how at home you can cook wine from Ripe Alychi.
Cooking history
More recently, Alycha was rare in our market, today her harvest is so rich that sometimes it is not even clear where to give him and what to do with it. This option can be considered economical enough, and besides, Vinicheko is very pleasant.
Among other things, Alcha is very useful:
- vitami with an excellent component for maintaining immunity
- carotene, which is contained in Alycha, is excellent protection for your vision.
Well, who would have thought that their berries would get a delicious wine, but someone tried to cook it - and here is the result, cheap and tasty, and what else is needed by a person who has a magnificent alycha and brings a good harvest .
Nuances of cooking drink
You can prepare wine from Alychi in different ways, a lot of recipes are quite a lot, so it all depends on how you want to see the final product - dessert, fastened or dry. And it doesn't matter much, from what alychi you will prepare wine - dark or yellow. In any case, wine will be very tasty.
Specialists in the sector under consideration believe that the optimal version for delicious wine from Alychi is the red variety. For ordinary consumers, if you are not gourmet in this matter, the variety of Alyci in the preparation of the discovered beverage has no.
First of all, I would like to say that it is ripe fruits that will be fastened for wine, which will be well washed, both from the inside and outside (so that there are no dirt, no leaves, no sand, no other pollution).
It is also not necessary to use too melt fruits, with a rotz and other defects, because such fruits can cause an unpleasant or tart of the lifting of wine.
All inventory that will be used in the preparation process of the drink under consideration should be pure and preferably sterilized (not required, but advisory).
Another advice to those who are going from Alychi to cook excellent wine - it is advisable not to use objects and metal in the process of manufacture.
helpful hints
It must be immediately noted that sugar sand or sugar will be used in the cooking process more than once, it is impossible to add sugar all and immediately, it is usually done gradually, in several stages. The final adjustment of the sweetness of wine will be made at the very end of the manufacturing process.
If you do not add alcohol in wine, its fortress will ultimately be percentage of 12. The storage of the beverage is quite long, the minimum period is about 3 years. It is best to serve it to guests a little cool. If the wine turned out to be a table, it will be perfectly harmonized with meat dishes, if sweet, then it will be the perfect option for dessert.
In the event that you have prepared wine on the recipe, and at the same time, you didn't like his taste. Do not think to pour it out, just stamp through the self-type apparatus and get ultimately a delicious brandy, which will definitely like to taste.
In order to get Wine from Alychi you need:
- Alycha - 4 kg
- Sugar - 450 g
- Water - 4.3 liters
- Raisins - 120 g (flushing it is not worth it)
Preparation of wine in stages:
- Each fruit that you select to use during the cooking of the drink must be revised. In order not to rot and other defects. Grind fruit, at the same time, it is not necessary to remove the bones (ultimately the bash must turn out). So that the process of kneading was easier, you can apply the usual rope.
- Now pour the watered watered waters and add a previously prepared raisins. Cover the container with a mixture of gauze and leave in a dark room for a couple of days. Temperature regime in the room where the mixture is stored is between 17-27 degrees.
- Do not forget that every day, and at least a couple of times, the mixture will need to mix. During this period, the mixture obtained in any case will begin the fermentation process.
- It's time to strain the mixture into the container. It is necessary to choose it in such a way that the liquids (cooked wort) in it turned out to be maximally on 2 \\ 3 of the total volume. We fall asleep in the semi cooked sugar drink (for each liter of the wort is 110 g of sugar).
- We wear a glove on a tank with a sweet grove (from rubber) and make a small hole on one of the fingers. Leave a bottle with wort in the dark room, and the temperature there should be not very high.
- It will take 4 days, the manufacturer will have to add a little sugar into the bottle (as much as for the first time). Then, we seal the bottle again and again we leave it alone for 3-5 days, depending on the intensity of the fermentation process.
- The last stage of fermentation is the longest and ranges from month to one and a half, so it is desirable to have a basement or at least a storage room for its storage.
- After the expiration of the specified period, it is necessary to fill the wine into another capacity, and, to do it in such a way that the precipitate remains in place (at the bottom of the bottle).
- In another container, you will have a completely bright drink, in contrast to the initial stage of its preparation. It's time to do the adjustment of the fortress and sweetness. If you need a drink, you need to do a stronger, just add vodka to it, and if it seems to you that the drink is not enough sweets, add the remainder of the cooked sugar to it, so we bring the drink to completeness.
Cooking Wine from Alychi is very simple, so forward - experiment and try this delicious drink.