Such an intricate, at first glance, the word "Kirishki" implies quite well-known and beloved by many dish - spicy or salty crackers cooked from rye bread. How to make them yourself - read in this article.
Basic Cyriseca Cooking Recipe
For the preparation of Kirieshk will be required:
- a third of loaf of rye bread;
- 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (the better oil, the more tastier the kiries);
- 1 tsp. salts;
- 2-3 chopping oregano;
- chopping mixture of peppers.
Stages of cooking Kiriesk:
- The first step is to prepare as crackers. To do this, take the bread and cut it with bars of 1.5-2 cm.
- Send cutting into a prepared polyethylene package.
- Package also salt, pepper mixture and seasoning. Tie a package, leaving air in it. Carefully, but carefully flick the components.
- Lose package, add vegetable oil to its contents.
- Again tie polyethylene and flourish all the ingredients.
- Put the baking sheet with parchment paper. Put on her spicy and buttered bread bars.
- Send a baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 ° C. Cooking time - 5-10 minutes. The duration of preparation depends on the purpose of Kiriesk. The larger time the bread will spend in the oven, the harder it will be. However, more than 20 minutes leave crackers in the oven - they simply burn.
Creating Creating Creation With Garlic
To prepare Kiriesk with garlic, you will need:
- half of the loaf of rye bread;
- 50-100 ml of vegetable oil (depending on personal preferences);
- middle garlic head;
- provencal herbs;
- salt.
1 Recipe
The recipe described further will give spicy chiries with thin, barely caught garlic aroma.
- Cut bread on too wide stripes. The length of each - in the range of 4-5 cm.
- Clean 5-7 garlic teeth. Next, garlic cut with thin slides (plates).
- Pour vegetable oil in the frying pan and fry the prepared garlic. Do not overdo it - the rewriting oil ruptures your kiriesk.
- Slightly traitting garlic, remove it from the oil, but add a pinch of olive herbs (or any others to your taste). Put the oil for 10-15 minutes.
- Next, connect the sliced \u200b\u200bbread bars, spicy oil. Add salt.
- Swinging the components, lay the bread on the baking sheet or the pan.
- Send dishes in the oven, warming up the last no more than 155 ° C. If the sugar layer turned out to be big, do not forget to intermitt it periodically.
- When the kiries will be ready, remove the surplus oil, laying out the crackers on a paper towel.
2 recipe
- Clean 5 garlic teeth and misses them through a press for garlic.
- Add vegetable oil to the resulting mass. Restaging the resulting composition aside for 10-20 minutes - the oil must "stand in". Note, the longer the mixture will be incanded, the more pronounced taste of garlic will have oil.
- At this time, prepare bread - cut it with cubes or oblong bars.
- If you like the more acute taste of dishes, oil can not be filtered (from pieces of garlic). Otherwise, skip spicy butter through the siter.
- Connect the oil and sliced \u200b\u200bbread. Lay out the bread pieces on the baking sheet and send in the oven.
- Suffer sugar is better on weak heat (no more than 155 ° C).
Cyrises prepared according to this recipe are distinguished by a pronounced garlic aroma. Whether there will be so burning and taste of dishes - you regulate yourself.
3 recipe
For the preparation of Kiriesk, according to this recipe, dried ground garlic will be required. The advantage of the recipe is also the absence of oils in it.
- Cut into cubes or bars of rye bread.
- Ground garlic connect with a small amount of salt. Stir the ingredients.
- Speak the bread pieces prepared by the mixture.
- Woot baking sheet parchment and send bread on it.
Finished Kiries have a very strong flavor of garlic, but they are not distinguished by a strong burning.