How to cook Muesli.

How to cook Muesli.

Do you know that everyone's favorite muesli is very easy to cook on their own? At the same time, you can add any fruit additives and nuts in them and each time getting a fresh and fragrant unique product. Homemade Muesli is also good because the cost of the self-cooked mixture will be two three or three times cheaper than purchased in the store.

What ingredients are needed for homemusli

Dry utility breakfast, namely it is also called Musli, consists of:

  • Oatmeal. Some parts can be replaced with wheat flakes, rice, buckwheat.
  • Dried fruits. Fit raisins, dried raisins, dried cherries or cranberries, dried strawberries or any candied eggs.
  • Nuts. They also use different, but best with flakes and dried fruits are combined with walnuts and almonds.
  • Seeds. There is also a variety of choice: pumpkin, sunflower, flax seed, sesame.

Also for making muesli uses:

  • Any liquid - milk, water, fruit or berry juice.
  • Honey or sweet syrup.
  • Olive oil or any other other without a pronounced smell and taste.

Recipe for delicious homemusli

This recipe is good because the finished product can be stored for a long time in a dry place without losing their taste.

  • Paul a glass of chopped by large slices of walnuts dried on a dry pan to a characteristic flavor.
  • Mix a quarter of a glass of flax seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
  • In half a glass of apple juice, stir the tablespoon of olive oil and add a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey.
  • Two glasses of large-size oat flakes mix with dried nuts and a mixture of seeds.
  • The resulting dry mass is covered with juice with butter and honey and mix well with your hands so that all the ingredients have become slightly wet.
  • Future Muesli lay out in any refractory form with high sides and put it in advance of the oven preheated to 50-60 degrees.
  • Dry a mass of 20 minutes with a dutched door. Every five minutes, Muesli mix so that they do not stick to the bottom and not flakes did not stick to each other.
  • When all the ingredients become dry, remove the shape of the oven and put a glass of a mixture of a raisin, chopped finely dried and dried cherries in flakes and seeds. All dried fruits take equally.
  • Mix the contents of the form and again put it in a warm oven for 15-20 minutes. Mass when drying again, prevent again.
  • Remove the finished hot muesli out of the oven and let them completely cool.
  • Store the product in a sealed jar in a dry place, but not in the refrigerator.

These muesli are well served with the usual unsweetened yogurt, additionally watering them with sweet syrup and decides any fresh berries.

Recipe for quick homemows

If you do not want to mix, moisturize and dry the mixture in the oven, and then keep it ready in the bank, then make blanks from individual ingredients.

  • Sweep the bundle of oat flakes in a pan until a slightly pinkish color. Pour them into a pack again.
  • Sweep any nuts in a pan. Fold them into a paper bag.
  • Cut the pieces of dried with small candied slices. Keep them in a bank.

For making muesli, put a couple of flashes in a bowl of flakes, a spoonful of nuts and a spoonful of the candle. All mix and fill with milk, robberies or kefir. From above, breakfast decorate with a fresh banana or strawberry circles. If you want the dish to work more sweet, then pour it with any liquid jam or honey.

Muesli, which baked in the oven to the crispy brown state, are also called the grave. It is very common in America. In this video you will see how to prepare this kind of muesli.

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