How does Viagra act on men

How does Viagra act on men

Viagra today is considered among men in the most popular tool to eliminate erectile dysfunction and return potency. In packing with the drug you can always find the instruction, however, nothing is said about how Viagra is acting.

Viagra is a drug that has a therapeutic effect on the body. This is its difference from the rest of the drugs, which are so fiercely advertised today. They can eliminate erectile Dysfunction is only for some time and is only symptomatic. To understand how the drug acts, it is necessary to figure out what an erection is.

How Viagra is acting on men - what is an erection

Due to sexual excitement, blood vessels of a small pelvis are expanding and blood sticks to a gender member. From this there is an erection - the penis increases in size and becomes harder. After intercourse, the blood should be reduced, and therefore erection passes. Chronic diseases and the reception of some drugs may worsen the vascular blood flow in the body. Sexual excitement in this case does not lead to a complete increase in blood flow to the sexual organ. This does not worsen the emergence of the erection, or it is insufficient for intercourse. Such a situation, if it is repeated often, is called erectile dysfunction.

How does Viagra act on men

The action of Viagra is aimed at correcting violations in the blood supply system of vessels participating in erectile process. Practice has shown that this means helped 99% of men to achieve a normal erection. There is only 1 condition in which the drug acts - the presence of sexual excitement.

Men confirm that Viagra really works. It possesses the election effect, whose action is guided precisely on the expansion of the vessels of the penis. The tool ensures not only the increase in potency, but also makes sexual contact longer, increases the quality of the orgasm, makes it more rich and bright, and also reduces recovery gaps.

After how much Viagra is acting on men

As a result of clinical studies, very contradictory and ambiguous results were obtained concerning the activation of the drug. In the 1 case, Viagra began to act 2 hours after taking the drug along with food. In the second study, she began to act 15 minutes after taking 1 tablet, powered by a glass of water. Real practice has shown that the drug is activated after 30-60 minutes after reception. The duration of action is approximately 4 hours.

In the composition of Viagra enters sildenafil - Substance that is well absorbed into the blood. Taking 1 tablet containing 100 mg of substances, maximum concentration sildenafila In the blood will come after 40 minutes. Please note, taking Viagra along with fatty food, you consciously remove its full absorption into the blood for another 30 minutes.

Side effects Viagra on men

During clinical studies, Viagra has identified rare manifestations of side effects. However, it is not worth worrying, the complications were noticed in just 2% of men. In case of overdose, such side results are possible.

  • Vomiting, dry mouth, stomatitis and belching.
  • Edema and redness of the face, headache, malaise and weakness.
  • Anemia.
  • Respiratory disorder, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, cough.
  • Sharp reduction in blood pressure.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Eye soreness, ridiculous hearing, ears pain.
  • Deformation of the anatomy of the penis.
  • Thickening of blood, swelling parts of the body.

If you do not take Viagra more often than 1 time per day, you will be able to avoid such complications. Viagra actively acts on male potency. In addition to when the sex life of a man is getting better, it begins to succeed in all areas - hobby, communication with friends and work. The problem with potency will gradually go to the background. We recommend that you adhere to the consultation of the doctor regarding the dosage of the drug. Tune in to a positive result and everything will be fine with you.

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Dima 06/18/2018 at 8:23

I would not advise the abuse of causative agents ... It is important to understand why the libido is reduced and from this, as they say, dance. I, for example, reduced Testosterone, was-accepted by the advice of the doctor Mens formula the potential of Forte and Naboki from Cabbar. Ultimately and analyzes improved (testosterone still began to grow) and the libido returned ... And Viagra, or something like that - acts short-term, and it harms health

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Egor 10/11/2018 at 20:01

Therefore, it is better to contact the doctor, and not engage in self-medication. Only in the doctor's office can find out the reason and then begin treatment. Personally, I was well helped by an integrated approach. Proper nutrition, physical exertion and viatayl. Here are the three components of my masculine health!

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