We all have heard of such a disease like gastritis. Probably every second has this disease in history. This disease of the stomach is preceded by a number of reasons, in particular: incorrect meal, snacks, dryness, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, long-term reception of some medical preparations, etc. In any case, if you have found a similar disease, you will have to stick to the diet. From the article you will learn what you can eat when gastritis.
General nutritional tips in the presence of gastritis
As you already understood, with gastritis disease, it is very important to adhere to the right diet. We will share the main recommendations regarding nutrition during gastritis:
- First of all, a person who was diagnosed with "gastritis" should be regularly, that is, there should not be too long time intervals between meals.
- During the day, it is necessary to eat at least 5-6 times, it is desirable, at regular intervals.
- The volume of one-time portion should be small. If we talk about the mass, then this is somewhere 280-320 g
- Food must be in no case hot or cold. The optimal option is a room temperature dish.
- It is advisable to avoid solid and difficult to digest food. It is preferable to have a puree consistency dishes, where possible.
- In the diet of the patient with gastritis, there must be a sufficient amount of protein food, as well as products containing vitamins of group B, vitamins C and E.
- Avoid roasted and oily food, smoked products, raw vegetables, fresh drums.
As for the products that are allowed to eat, there is one nuance here. Gastritis is a few species:
- when acidity in the stomach is lowered
- when acidity is raised
Therefore, below we consider the features of dietary food, which is recommended, depending on one or another type.
What can be equipped with gastritis if the acidity in the stomach is lowered
Now we will define how to eat when gastritis, if acidity is reduced:
- If you have gastritis with reduced acidity in the acute phase, then at first, eat meat and fish broths.
- After the pain appears a bit, you can introduce porridge porridge with liquid consistency, as well as soups, but in a steady form, so as not to load so the unhealthy stomach.
- As for meat and fish, they, of course, need to be used either in boiled form or prepared in a double boiler.
- Very by the way will be a puree from vegetables.
- Perfectly fit into the diet of cottage cheese.
- If you want to eat eggs, then they need to be prepared either sick, or in the form of an omelet to a pair.
- From drinks should be given preference to all sorts of mies on the basis of berries and jisels.
- Bread is better to use not fresh, but yesterday. Also excellent option will be the bran bread.
- In no case do not allow roasted and fatty dishes in your diet, various smoked meals, whole milk, raw vegetables, freshly prepared baking and bread.
What can be equipped with gastritis if the acidity in the stomach is increased
Pophering with low acidity sorted out. Now we define how to eat when gastritis if acidity is raised:
- In the acute phase it is recommended to eat cereal soups cooked on chicken broth, as well as dairy soups, because milk is the product that helps reduce the level of acidity. Moreover, in addition to the preparation of dairy soups, you can drink a fastening tea with milk, as well as add it to cereal.
- Vegetables can be in boiled form either in baked.
- As for fish and meat, it also needs to be prepared either by cooking, or by baking in the oven, but without oil use. It is worth noting that fish and meat must be low-fat varieties. It may be heck, pike perch, turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal, etc.
- Eggs only eat sick.
- From bakery products Here you can eat crackers from white bread, hanging cookies, all kinds of pastry, based on fresh dough. Be sure to refrain from the use of drift, as well as rye bread. In this diet, these products are absolutely not appropriate.
- To aggravate the course of the disease can also fried and fatty products, preservation, smoked products, onions with garlic, fresh cabbage and tomatoes, mushrooms and beans, as well as fruits in raw form. Refuse fermented milk products.
- Eat fruits eat bananas, as well as apples in baked form.
- In addition to tea with milk, jelly drink made from berries.
That's key recommendations, following which you will be able to keep your gastritis under control. Indeed, otherwise the disease may be exacerbated. And it can lead to more serious disorders in the body, in particular, to an ulcer or even stomach cancer. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!