What you can eat for the night

What you can eat for the night

If you hold the right nutrition or lose weight, you should definitely know that it is impossible to eat before bedtime. However, many people are difficult not to approach the refrigerator after six either it is contraindicated to them for medical testimony. Then a person needs to know the list of major products and dishes that can be used before bedtime, without fear for her figure. There are not so many such products, but remembering them all, you can stay well. When choosing nutrition for the night, it is important to remember that not all products are digested equally quickly. In this article you will find effective evening feeding tips.

What foods can be eaten at night

It is important to select only fast food products. If you eat meat, which is digested from four to six hours, you can't see a calm sleep. First, a person with a full stomach falls asleep very long, secondly, the whole dream will be restless. In the morning you will feel tired, not sleeping, with anxiety in my head.

Supports are quickly learned:

  • Yogurt.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Any fermented milk products, like milk, kefir, ripples.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Chicken meat in small quantities.
  • White fish.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Greens.
  • Bean.
  • Carrots and booth beets.
  • Algae and sea cabbage.
  • White cabbage.
  • Canned fish.
  • Fresh vegetables.

Agree, the list is not so small. From these products you can cook whole dishes. However, it is important to understand that for the night you do not need carbohydrates. If you eat products rich in a carbohydrate, then the surplus of this element put down in fat. Do not add sugar into cottage cheese, do not take sweet yogurts. Time before bed - this is the moment when you just need to eat and get rid of the feeling of hunger, but do not indulge yourself.

What dishes can eat for the night

Based on the list above, you can independently make a menu for yourself. But if you do not have time for this, it is better to contact the finished recipes:

  • Vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and greens. Severe lemon juice or olive oil.
  • Vegetables and mushrooms for a couple.
  • Light stewless stew without potatoes.
  • Salad of egg and beans.
  • An excellent dinner will be boiled fish, for example, hack together with vegetables.

How many hours before sleep is better to stop there

Saying "to eat before bed" no one, of course, does not mean a few minutes before sleep. Eating directly before bedtime is prohibited from both nutritionists and doctors. Meal must be a maximum of four hours before sleep.

If you are on a diet and follow the figure, then refuse food better six hours before sleep, in the absence of you have contraindications.

With proper nutrition, this rate is four hours, and if you have the testimony - two or three hours. Nutrition for an hour or a half hours before sleep does not occur even with diseases, since such a mode will break your sleep.

What can I eat for the night - what is better to refuse

In the afternoon, give up red meat, beef, pork and calf. Try to deny yourself in unnecessary candy and chocolate, they can be easily replaced by dried fruits.

Heavy dishes, baked, bold and fried better leave for lunch, and ideally, even remove from your diet, if you decide to follow the rules of proper nutrition.
From drinks in the evening you can not drink coffee and strong black tea. Remove and carbonated sweet drinks, nectars.

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