Modern rhythm of life with snacks "on the go", fast food and late adoption of food lead to deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the most common diseases of the stomach can be called gastritis. According to medical statistics, 85% of the population at least once in life, but they met with acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. To "know the enemy in the face" Let's try to figure out What is gastritis?
What is gastritis?
Gastritis is called a long-flowing inflammation of the gastric mucosa, provoking violation in its operation. Gastritis may be an independent illness, and may be a consequence of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
As for the classification, there are a lot of varieties of this disease. In medicine, based on the degree of gravity, the duration of the flow, the factors of the lesion, allocate:
- Chronic gastritis. It is accompanied by changes in the gastric mucosa and accompanies the patient for a significant segment of life. Often this form of the disease is an independent illness.
- Ostrate Gastritis form.This is not only an exacerbation of chronic form, but also a single case of the manifestation of inflammation provoked by poisoning, irrational nutrition.
What are gastritis?
Acute and chronic gastritis form has its subspecies. They are isolated according to symptoms and clinical manifestations. The main varieties of the acute form of gastritis include:
- catarler - provoke light food poisoning;
- phlegmonous - occurs due to injury (damage) of the stomach wall;
- fibrous - when the affected mucous cells are replaced by fibrous tissue;
- necrotic - where there is death of tissue.
Chronic gastritis also can be:. Microbial caused by alcoholism or drug intake, is due to chemical effects, etc. In any case separated chronic disease of secretory activity:
- with low acidity;
- with high acidity.
How to recognize gastritis? What symptoms indicate its presence?
The main one can be called three main symptoms:
- pain in the stomach;
- nausea;
- vomit.
Further, the symptomatics is divided based on the form of the disease and secretory activity. Consider the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease in each individual case.
1. If the acidity in the stomach is reduced, observed:
- an unpleasant taste in the mouth, provoking SMRAD, from the mouth;
- after meals, a feeling of gravity appears;
- there is a belt with a rotten egg taste;
- morning nausea;
- irregular, problem stool;
- frequent yards in the stomach.
2. In cases where the acidity in the stomach is high, the patient may noted:
- pain in the top of the abdomen, which take place after meals;
- frequent diarins;
- the presence of heartburn, belching;
- presence of urges and permanent gases.
3. If the disease exacerbates, it is possible to recognize gastritis according to such explicitly indicating features:
- constantly present pain in the stomach;
- burning in the chest;
- vomiting did not have time to digest food, bile;
- general weakness;
- dyspepsia;
- increasing salivation;
- unlocked feeling thirst.
If you have similar symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. And to avoid gastritis, review your diet, refuse fat, acute and fried food. Forget about alcohol, smoking. More often walk and enhance a healthy lifestyle.
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