In this material you will find out what is happening with a young mother at 5 weeks of pregnancy. And how this period is reflected in the development of the fetus.
What happens during 5 weeks of pregnancy?
During this period, if you did not know about pregnancy earlier, you can pay attention to a delay in menstruation. It is such a symptom that most often makes women think about their interesting situation.
Therefore, first of all, the future mother is to conduct a test that can be bought at any pharmacy.
- And already at 5 weeks, the easiest test will show 2 strips, since the necessary concentration of hCG in the urine has already been achieved.
- The first signs of toxicosis can also be identified during this period - these are nausea, headaches, and loss of consciousness from dizziness.
Do not worry, this condition will not be constant. It will overcome the future mother to the Thezes until the body is rebuilt to a new role. After some time, the state of the young mother will return to normal.
You can also go through an ultrasound to confirm the result, in this case you will also understand how pregnancy develops and whether there is an ectopic pregnancy. But this is not necessary, a little later, the gynecologist will still send you to a planned ultrasound.
How does pregnancy flow during this period?
After the state of joy, the young mother should think about the rhythm of her life so that the course of pregnancy has been successful since 5 weeks:
- Forget about smoking, not only active, but also passive. Do not visit companies with smokers so as not to inhale harmful smoke. Ask them to go out into the fresh air, do not smoke in the room, car.
- Your attitude to alcohol should also be negative. During this period, you should forget about addictions.
- Taking any drugs now needs to be coordinated with a doctor. Also discuss with him the question of taking vitamin to strengthen your health during this period.
After toxicosis at the psychological level, a woman may open many fears of those associated not only with the current state, but also with future motherhood. Such fears should be spelled with loved ones, a psychologist, or write on paper and analyze yourself. It is important to understand that many of these fears are invented and should neutralize them.
Also, the course of pregnancy for 5 weeks portends problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, try not to overeat and eat food without a large amount of pepper and salt. Drink more green and ginger tea, water with mint.
What happens to the baby at 5 weeks of pregnancy?
A tiny baby has:
- Weight - 3 g;
- Length - up to 6 mm;
- Body position - letter C.
For mom during this period, taking folic acid is very important so that all these organs develop without vices. At this time, the baby is enveloped in amniotic water in the mother’s tummy. It is they who give the baby the possibility of a calm and comfortable stay.
Mom's life in the period of 5 weeks of pregnancy
In addition to these symptoms of toxicosis, a woman feels the loading of the mammary glands and frequent urination. In addition to the previously indicated tea, fresh water and spoons of honey, nothing more was invented to facilitate an unpleasant state. To calm yourself slightly, it is important to understand that this is a temporary state.
More often I want to go to the toilet because the uterus increases and this leads to pressure on the bladder. And chest pain occurs due to changes in the processes in the body and preparation of the breast in the occurrence of milk to feed the crumbs. Even considering that the uterus has changed in shape and began to have a more rounded look, the woman has not yet been widened and her position is still not noticeable.
How to eat mom at 5 weeks of pregnancy?
Attention should be paid to use:
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Greenery;
- Dairy and fish products;
- Cereals, especially oatmeal;
- Light meat dishes.
Particular attention should be paid to the use of fennel, in which there are many useful essential oils. It is especially useful for supporting the body. It can be consumed in the form of seeds, both a seasoning, and add fennel leaves to the salad. Fennel fruits can be served in the form of a side dish to fish or meat.
It is important not to get an infectious or respiratory disease during this period in order to strengthen the body is important to use broccoli and spinach.
What problems can I encounter during this period?
The most important problem and danger is the possibility of miscarriage. Due to the change in the hormonal background and increasing the tone of the uterus, this situation is extremely likely during this period.
From 5 weeks it is important to monitor your weight and experience less, since these causes often lead in sad consequences - the loss of the child.
Small discharge during this period is present, but they should be bright. And changes in tone to yellow, green, gray can be a signal for the appearance of infection in the body. With all these symptoms, a doctor is necessary.
Useful tips for 5 weeks of pregnancy
So, the 5th week is a very exciting period, because most often it is at this moment that the expectant mother learns about her position. And often, together with joy, anxieties about the development of the baby, further life, and childbirth come.
- Monitor the emotional state;
- Avoid negative situations, scandals;
- Walk more often in the fresh air;
- Listen to good music;
- Read useful literature;
- Get more positive emotions.
Now only this will be the best medicine and sedative in such an important and joyful period.