Dough on Chebureki with bubbles Recipe

Dough on Chebureki with bubbles Recipe

We all love to enjoy something tasty. If children are all tasty associated with sweets, then adults are various meat dishes or homemade baking. Chebureks are just that dish that everyone is not exception. But not every newly minted hostess knows how to make the cheburic dough. From the article you will learn a couple of recipes for the preparation of Cheburchny test, so that Chebureks are obtained with bubbles.

Classic recipe for cooking cheburchny dough with bubbles

Each hostess always wants to hear the sea of \u200b\u200bcompliments in their address when someone tasts the dish cooked by it. If you use the next recipe for Cheburchny test, then the compliments are not avoided, because the pasties are truly delicious, bubble, crispy. So, for cooking prepare the following components:

  • milk - 350 ml
  • creamy oil - 30 g
  • lean oil - 1 tsp.
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 ppm
  • flour - 4-5 tbsp.

We proceed directly to the kneading test:

  1. First you need to boil milk. After that, let him cool down a little.
  2. We pour milk into the container in which we will knead the dough. In warm milk, dissolve a piece of butter. Margarine can become an excellent alternative to butter. The taste of ready-made Chebureks from this will not change.
  3. Now we spite the salt and stir the mass to the complete dissolution.
  4. Next, we pour vegetable oil. And we begin to slowly pour a glass of flour, dissolving all lumps.
  5. Now we drive into our mass of the egg and mix well all.
  6. Let's squeeze the rest of the flour. We mix the dough until it becomes elastic and will not stick to the hands. The amount of flour may vary - see, based on the density of the test. No need to do too tight dough, because with him then it will be hard to work.
  7. That's all - the dough is ready. Now you can slightly roll it out and form pasties.

The dough on the specified recipe is very "obedient", it is easily rolled and does not break when burning, which is very important in the preparation of Chebureks. After all, then they are obtained very juicy and tasty.

Recipe for Cheburchny Dough on Vodka

It would seem possible to cook the dough using alcoholic beverages? It turns out that if you use vodka in the dough, the finished product turns out even more crispy, bubble and with a beautiful golden crust. To prepare the dough on such an extraordinary recipe, we take such components:

  • water - 350 ml
  • lachy oil (odorless) - 4 ppm
  • salt - 0.5 ppm
  • vodka - 10-15 ml
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 4-5 tbsp.

When all the components are at hand, begin to knead the dough:

  1. For this, the water is slightly heated so that it is warm, and pour into the container in which we will knead the dough.
  2. To the water, add salt and mix it until the solid was completely dissolved by all salt crystals.
  3. Next to the water with salt, we pour vegetable oil.
  4. Now we drive into our liquid mass of the egg, mix well everything.
  5. And at the very end add to all the above vodka.
  6. Now, slowly, gradually add flour to our mixture. Constantly stirring so that there are no lumps. We knead the dough and let him "relax" a couple of hours.
  7. After that, we proceed to the preparation of Chebureks. That is, we take the rolling pin and thinly roll the dough. Then, accordingly, I make chebureki from it.

The dough for such a recipe can also be made of custard. For this, the first three ingredients are brought to a boil, add some flour, egg and vodka, and then knead the dough using the remaining flour. When the dough is cool, you can start working with it.

Despite the fact that the recipe is quite peculiar, Chebureks on such a dough are extremely tasty.

Cheburchny Test Tips

We will share some secrets, knowing which you will always get a wonderful test for pasties with bubbles:

  • Before you knead the Cheburen dough, like any other dough, be sure to ask for flour, then it turns out to be more air, and products from it are even tastier.
  • Egg Always add to warm mass, and not hot, otherwise it can curl. An exception is only a custard dough, as we described in a recipe using vodka.
  • In the process of cooking test, try to use sunflower oil if it is required by recipe, odorless, that is, refined.
  • To give any obscured Cheburchny test to "relax" at least half an hour, only then proceed directly to the manufacture of pasties, then the dough will be more elastic and it will be easier to work with it.

In the article, we got acquainted with the best, in our opinion, the recipes for the preparation of Cheburchny dough. You also have only to take advantage of them and please our households or guests with an excellent and satisfying dish. Bon Appetit!

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