Potato recipe for potatoes

Potato recipe for potatoes

Often you want to please your seven delicious and fluffy patties with potatoes, but at hand it does not turn out to be a good recipe. Or it happens that yeast dough does not manage to young hostesses, and the pies are not like that as I would like. From this article you will learn a great recipe, using even newcomers of culinary art will be able to make patties with potatoes without any problems.

Recipe Cooking Pattags with Potatoes

In order to prepare delicious, air piers on a yeast dough, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 0.5 l
  • alcohol yeast - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 ppm with a slide
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • flour - how much will
  • potatoes - 700-800 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • ground pepper - to taste

Go directly to cooking:

  1. First of all prepare the filling. To do this, clean potatoes, mine, fill with water and put to boil. In the process of cooking, we snatch 1 tsp. Salts (can be slightly larger or less, everyone oriented to their taste).
  2. While the potatoes are cooked, cleaning the bow, cut into cubes. In the pan pour several tbsp. vegetable oil. In a well-heated frying pan, pour onions and pass it. After the bow is ready, let him cool.
  3. Now go to the kneading test. First boil milk and give it a little cool. In warm milk, we dissolve yeast, sugar, 1 tsp. Salt. This is also poured 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  4. Now we pour the resulting mass in the sifted flour and knead the dough. Flour will need exactly so much that the dough is soft and elastic. As soon as the dough stops sticking to the hands, it means that it is ready. We put it into a flour-spoiled bowl, cover with a towel on top and set it in a warm place for 1 hour. Since this is yeast dough, then during the specified time it should "come up", that is, to increase several times in size. You can even leave it "approach" at room temperature, just in this case he will need more time to "rest."
  5. As long as our dough is "resting," back to our filling. When the potatoes already got helped, Tesch him in a puree, if necessary - we deliver, pour passaged onions and add ground pepper to taste. All well mix and give a stuffing to cool.
  6. When our dough "came up", and the stuffing cooled, go to the process of forming pies. Since this process is not particularly long, then in parallel we put on the slab frying pan and pour vegetable oil so that it is well warmed up by the time of frying.
  7. Mix the dough slightly and divide into parts. From each piece form a cake. Each cake rolling a little rolling pin. In the middle we impose our potato filling and take the edges. Then slightly rolling the resulting cake with a rolling pin so that it becomes not convex, but a little flat. Thus, we make all the pies.
  8. Now alternately lay out our pies to fry on a well-heated frying pan. Each pate is delivering to a golden crust, then we turn over, plunge the side and side, if necessary.
  9. Finished patties lay out on the dish and proceed to tasting. Bon Appetit!

I would like to note that pies for such a recipe are obtained very gentle and remain soft and air even the next day.

From the specified amount of products, approximately about 20 pies is obtained, depending on what size you will do them.

Tips for cooking patties with potatoes

We will share some advice to make your dough always succeeded successful, and Potato pies are delicious:

  1. Yeast for cooking dough must be taken fresh, then the dough is better to approach, and the pies will come out more air.
  2. Be sure to sift the flour before the kneading dough, even if you were already asking for it initially. It has been scientifically proven that in this case the dough is the light and "not scored".
  3. Dough try to do not hard - the softer the dough, the stronger the pies.
  4. Mashed medium consistency. If it is too thick if it is too thick, then the pie can break when racking the rolling pin.
  5. With frying, you can add more vegetable oil, and then the pies will roast like in a fryer.

Here, in fact, all the secrets of cooking patties with potatoes. Take advantage of our recipe, and you will have wonderful patties with potatoes, soft and air to the touch, and delicious taste.

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