Serum Pancakes Slim Recipe

Serum Pancakes Slim Recipe

Recipes pancakes have a lot: on milk, water, kefir and serum. And they can all be delicious, if you know the secrets of their cooking, which we will tell in this article.

Thin serum pancakes - a simple recipe

To knead the dough on pancakes you need:

  • 1 l of nonclicat serum
  • 3-4 Eggs
  • 500 g of flour
  • 4 tbsp. Sugar and vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp soda
  • Half C.L. Sololi.

We start cooking:

  • Serum heated to a warm state.
  • Sour into the serum soda, salt and sugar, stirring.
  • In a deep bowl, we drive eggs, stir them with a spoon, you can be a wedge.
  • Almost half of the serum is poured into the stirred eggs, we pour out the flour, and wash it up to homogeneity.
  • We infiltrate the rest of the serum and smear.
  • At the end, we pour oil, and mix with the test to uniformity.
  • The dough will turn out liquid. Let him breed 15-30 minutes, and you can fry pancakes.
  • Checking the density of the test on a hot pan (on which fry pancakes), groaning it 1 tsp. vegetable oil. For this, we take a frying pan in the hand, pour a thin layer of the test, and distribute in a frying pan, shading it from side to the side.
  • Fry damn on medium heat, first on the one hand, then turn the blade to another.
  • To baking the following pancakes, the pan is no longer lubricated, but pour the dough to dry pan, but if the pancakes are poorly turned over, then it will have to continue to use oil.
  • After frying each pancake, still hot, lubricate a piece of butter.

Thin serum pancakes - custard recipe

For dough on pancakes you need:

  • 0.5 l of nonclicat serum
  • 200 ml of milk and water
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. Sugar and vegetable oil
  • 0.5 ppm soda
  • By pinch salt and vanilla sugar

We start cooking:

  • We are whipped with a mixer with sugar, salt and vanilla sugar to an increase in the mass twice.
  • We pour the serum of room temperature, squeeze soda and flour, and mix everything until uniformity.
  • We got thick, like on pancakes, dough.
  • Milk and water pour into a saucepan, and let me boil.
  • Skipped hot milk with water pour into the dough, stir. It turns out liquid dough. We pour oil into it so that you do not need to lubricate the frying pan before baking each pancake.
  • Before the first pancake, the frying pan is still lubricated, pour a bit of a dough to a heated frying pan, smoothly distribute, and fry dams first with one, and then on the other hand.

Thin serum pancakes - filling

In addition to jam and sour cream, for pancakes you can come up with many stuffs, pates and creams, sweets and fearful, it is important to know only that the filling should be thick in order not to go out of pancake.

No less important and combination of products that are going to wrap in a pancake.

Filling with chicken and mushrooms

For filling you need:

  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 300 g champignons
  • 300 g of boiled chicken meat
  • Salt, pepper black ground to his taste
  • Several branches of green parsley

Preparing stuffing:

  • In a frying pan with oil, inspire the crushed bow.
  • The raw washed champignons are finely cut, we add to the pan to the onions, we bear a little, and then to the car, covering the pan with a lid, 15-20 minutes.
  • At the end of the savings of salt and pepper.
  • Boiled chicken meat finely cut.
  • Also crushing parsley.
  • We mix mushrooms, parsley and meat, mix, and you can start pancakes.

Strawberry cream with whipped cream

For filling you need:

  • 300 ml Cream 30% fat
  • 100 g of sugar powder
  • 500 g of strawberry
  • Chipping Vanilla

Preparing stuffing:

  • Very cold cream begin to beat with a mixer first on small speeds, and then increasing the speed.
  • Gradually, sucking sugar powder and vanilla, continuing to beat.
  • Wash fresh strawberry cut into small pieces, add to whipped cream, and carefully wash them with strawberries. Strawberry can also begged by a mixer.
  • Finished cream you need to immediately start pancakes, if slow, the cream will lose sight and taste.

Finally, we will remind the main rules for cooking serum pancakes:

  • In order for the pancakes to be soft and gentle, the serum needs to be heated.
  • Tasty pancakes are obtained from sour serum to moderate, very acidic serum for pancakes is not suitable.
  • Soda in the test must be in moderate - no more, and no less: with a shortage of soda, pancakes will be without holes, with an excess of pancakes will be with the taste of soda.

So, now we know how to prepare thin pancakes on serum, and filling to them.

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