Why jars with cucumbers - what to do?

Why jars with cucumbers - what to do?

Canned cucumbers get out in any situation. They are served as a snack or prepare with them many delicious and useful dishes. It happens very offensive when all summer hostess twists banks with cucumbers to provide their family, and after a while they explode. The reasons for such failures can be a huge amount - let's deal with them.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to unsuitable raw materials

For preservation, only the so-called salting varieties of cucumbers can be used. If you take the cucumbers of Salads, they will never stand in banks - these varieties are very gentle and are subject to severe fermentation.

So that the cucumbers do not explode, buy seeds indicating that they are suitable for canning. By purchasing cucumbers in the market or in the store, pay attention to their appearance. Completely smooth cucumbers of uniform dark color are most likely salad. The salting cucumbers are uneven color. Places where tails are growing, darker. The tips in fruits are brighter. Also cucumbers for preservation are usually covered with plenty of small pillows.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to poor-quality preparation of vegetables

Preparing cucumbers for conservation, carefully wash them using the brush. Even almost invisible dirt at least on one fruit can lead to the fact that the marinade or brine in the bank will first become muddy, and then it wanders. As the result - the bank will explode. Cucumbers wash in several waters, and if they are too dirty, then even hold them in a cold water saucepan of 5-6. Such additional processing will help to move away all pollution.

In the same way, prepare all the spices: spicy herbs, garlic, sweet and bitter pepper.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to poorly sterilized packaging

Having bought or growing suitable varieties and thoroughly wash the cucumbers and spices, you still can see the exploding banks. In this case, the reason can be a negligent car wash and covers.

Wash banks and covers first with hot water with soda, and then rinse them with cold water. Next, the container must be subjected to long sterilization Over the ferry, in the oven or in the microwave oven. The covers also sterilize, boil them 5-6 minutes in the bucket with hot water.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to inaccurate compliance with the recipe

The cucumbers themselves do not contain acid at all, which is the most important preservative. By choosing one or another recipe, be sure to follow the accurate dosage of vinegar or citric acid - they are practically in all recipes. An exception is the so-called "stray cucumbers", which before clogging into banks should stand in a conventional salt solution for several days to take care. The fermentation suggests that a natural acidic environment has been formed in the bank, which will help cucumbers stored well.

Choose two or three proven recipes for which the cucumbers were standing in the whole winter, and each year you prepare exactly such marinades.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to short sterilization of blanks

Cucumbers are closed in banks in just two ways:

  • Several times poured them with hot water, withstand in it, and then they are boiled marinade on it and add it to vegetables.
  • Fresh cucumbers are poured with boiling marinade and the filled jar is additionally sterilized in boiling water.

And the first and second way assumes that the cucumbers will be subject to long thermal exposure to hot water. If you miss one of the stages of the fill of cucumbers with boiling water or you will sterilize the filled banks, a short time, the risk of explosion cans increase many times.
In order for canned cucumbers to be stored without problems, do not neglect the sterilization stages specified in one or another recipe.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to poorly swirling covers

The twisting of the covers is also very important. If the lid fell to the neck is not tight, then after a while inside the jar will begin to go air and the cucumbers will be fattened.

  • Use a good dressing machine that tightly presses the cover to the glass and does not leave even the slightest clears.
  • Using Eurobanks with screwy covers, use this technique. Dress the lid on the jar. Slightly cool it counterclockwise - you will hear a weak click (the cover will sit on the place laid it). Further, applying, tighten the lid tightly, but clockwise.
  • Surface reliability Check the cans with a snug up. If marinade does not happen, you did everything right.

Jars with cucumbers explode due to improper storage

Canned cucumbers are the most capricious vegetables in part of their storage.

  • Keep banks in the cold: basement, storage room on loggia, refrigerator.
  • Do not allow banks to be in the light. If they are on open light shelves, then wrap them with extra dark paper.

Periodically check all the conservation, harvested for the winter. If some bank with cucumbers began to get closer to barely, then try to reanimate it. Transfer it to a colder place or drain the old marinen with the cucumbers and fill the new, but necessarily boiling.

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