How to restore intestinal microflora

How to restore intestinal microflora

The healthy intestine of a person works like a clock: the stomach does not sweep, there is no urrical crop, the chair is decorated and regular. If for any reason in the stomach begins "hurricane" or worse - constipation or diarrhea, then it is worth thinking about the restoration of microflora.

The normal intestinal microflora is the presence of a sufficient amount of useful bacteria that is responsible for many functions. Reducing the level of bacteria or their complete absence (dysbacteriosis) leads to the fact that the intestine behaves not typical. This may occur after taking antibiotics, after a significant malfunction (for example, unusual food in exotic countries), as a result of the infectious disease. Recently, doctors even say that the strongest stress can cause persistent dysbacteriosis.

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It is possible to restore the intestine microflora, but this requires a set of measures. First of all, you need to establish a power mode. The food must be lightweight, useful, without a large number of spices and fats. Fly chicken broths, baked vegetables, a variety of cereals with vegetable oil, fish for a pair, not fatty dairy products. Do not abuse sweets, fresh fruit and flour products are those products that cause strong gas formation in the intestine.

Start drinking probiotics and use prebiotics. Probiotics are drugs that contain dried beneficial bacteria that are responsible for digestion in general. Prebiotics serve as a nutrient medium for bacteria, on which the latter will actively multiply.

In any pharmacy you can buy preparations-probiotics:

  • Linex;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • Enterozermina;
  • Acylac.

But prebiotics are ordinary carbohydrates that are in many products. They should be included in the diet. Most of all such beneficial carbohydrates are contained in tomatoes, asparagus, bananas, chicory, garlic and bows. Do not forget that all vegetables must be subjected to light heat treatment.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics, which are described above, are produced in the form of capsules, drops or dry matter. But today you can buy specialized fermented milk products that contain living beneficial bacteria: "bifox", "bifilaich", "biocyphir", "acidobiffin", "Actimel".

Often, the microflora disorder occurs after the procedure "Hydrocolonoscopy" (Complete intestinal cleaning by washing it with water). In this case, restore the normal population of bacteria in the stomach only by the reception of the capsule or kefir will not work. Bacteria must be attached to the body by introducing them with the help of the enema. Make this procedure only in the hospital - there, where they spend the intestines.

What drug to start taking microflora to restore - must appoint a doctor-gastroenterologist. Before that, you will have to pass the feces analysis on dysbacteriosis so that the doctor makes it a useful recovery scheme of lost bacteria.

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Dina 09/05/2018 at 9:21

A doctor to get rid of the constipation advised to take a fitting of norms and drink herbal teas based on sage. He said that all this will also help to normalize the microflora. So it came out, from the constipation, I have long got rid of, and moreover, the intestine works as a clock, which is very happy ... His gastrointestinal tract on a lot more dependent .... I, for example, the skin has become much better that one more Confirmation that the microflora has improved.

Dina 09/14/2019 at 12:27

Very often, for some reason, many begin to restore the microflora to get rid of the constipation .... This is an error, in my opinion. Microflora affects a lot, but on the intestinal motility, to a lesser extent. He herself tried to get rid of the toilet from problems with the toilet and everything was a fascinarian. Until he began to work with peristaltics, nothing helped .... And when, together with about and prebiotics, I also became Filiblax to take-everything went like oh oil)) gradually the intestine earned again himself that he could not but rejoice)


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